handwriting app 在 #18 【Eng. / 中文】一月份同居日記|Gay couple Journal|Goodnote 5 的影片資訊
你也有寫日記的習慣嗎? 2021年, 何鋅決定要把自己每個月的寫日記時間, 和我們的生活給好好記錄下來與大家分享。 「生活,是創造回憶的過程, 和回憶的總和。」 日記不只是為了紀錄生活, 也是為...
你也有寫日記的習慣嗎? 2021年, 何鋅決定要把自己每個月的寫日記時間, 和我們的生活給好好記錄下來與大家分享。 「生活,是創造回憶的過程, 和回憶的總和。」 日記不只是為了紀錄生活, 也是為...
It's my first time doing a study with me session in real time, and no audio description over it. Tod...
In this video, I review a Chinese app called Kids YAY - Learn Chinese. The game-based learning cours...
As the year draws to a close, it's a great time to sit down and make a journal for the year ahead. D...
Some practical tips you can apply to improve your hangul Korean handwriting! Remember, it takes time...
Tour starts at 01:15! A lot of you liked my story/posts on Instagram about how I use my planners, so...
Welcome back to another study with me video! The book I used in this video is Korean Grammar in Use ...
In this video I explain how I usually study Korean (without a textbook, using a reading book). This ...
영어 자막 CC누르기 | Press CC for English subtitles! 안녕하세요 친구들 흐히히힣ㅎ 제 공책을 보여 드립니다! 글씨가 많이 달라졌고 공부하는 내용도 9...
iPad ProでOSXアプリは案外アリ I wanted to use the OSX app on iPad Pro. I bought a Asrtopad App. A Mac that is...