關於wolverine的評價, Robert Downey Jr
Love it, but...who invited Wolverine? (Credit: https://www.facebook.com/hrjoephotography) ...
Love it, but...who invited Wolverine? (Credit: https://www.facebook.com/hrjoephotography) ...
『costco好物推薦』 雪莉爸Steven Ju肖想很久的 “wolverine 1000 mile 經典男靴” 終於又等到costco線上購物上架啦! 這雙在外面買都要11,000左右😱...
Logan Subscribe for more videos!: https://goo.gl/pCwtf7 Can't wait for the movie, Logan , to be out...
最難承受的痛,是當你明明想要珍惜,卻只能看著自己不斷失去。 The hardest pain to bear is when you've lost something that you tri...
When “Wolverine” breaks into JFJ Productions and demands to meet the boss... 今天有個人突然闖入公司大門大喊:叫你們老闆出...
2019年開始迪士尼已經可以使用福斯的IP了,馬上就傳出休傑克曼可能加入《復仇者4》的消息。雖然有點亂入、不過休要是不早點加入,以後也來不及了。 https://screenrant.com/ave...
มหากาพย์ Wolverine (อัพลงเพจ) ให้เสียงพากย์โดย ...
Michael Jackson là ông hoàng nhạc Pop, còn đây là ...
休傑克曼 & 派崔克史都華來了!帥!終於可以跟X教授拍照了。Finally got a pic w...