I wish you have a merry Christmas and all have have a good night 😘
It’s our family’s favorite holiday of the year. No matter how pandemic goes, we still celebrate the message of love and rebirth that god brought hope into us.
Wish all joy and the love that passes understanding encompass your loved ones and home.
耶誕快樂! 一整個12月過著滿滿祝福與驚喜的日子,每天想著要怎麼讓一家人在疫情下也能充滿著耶誕溫暖氣息,畢竟這是我們家一年當中最喜歡的節日,而我做到了。現在讓我也把這份喜悅帶給你們,讓我們從這個重生的日子開始迎接嶄新的2021年,讓光明和希望籠罩彼此🥰💡
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HUYGENS是17世紀荷蘭著名物理及天文學家,創辦人Daan SINS在瑪黑區一座17世紀老房子獲得品牌啟發,進而將品牌旗艦店設立於此,品牌命名HUYGENS是致敬也是象徵!
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