1. 聲明:唔係教你做PTGF,亦唔教你做客。純粹案例研究,講risk management,principal agency problem,pay structure,profit sharing,skin in the game (加多啲buzzword就巧似professional 啲)
2. TL;DR:人地就落場衝鋒陷陣以身犯險,你就涼冷氣分咁大舊,梗係出事。楊恭如話齋,呢個世界冇話邊個冇咗邊個唔得(**)。仲要幾個都後生女唔係阿嬋,更加難服眾咯
3. 上次講補習天王篇文反應還好(https://bit.ly/2M0yLUB),絶不走數,今日講類似嘅東西。
4. 重覆多次:我不作道德判斷。犯法梗係唔好,唔好試,赤柱擺壽酒冇人嚟的。至於買春賣淫呢啲,我冇乜咩感覺,有供有求。大家明知係有咗幾千年,古今中外都有,甚至張愛玲都話婚姻就係長期賣淫。本文不作任何道德判斷,只係討論as 一個JV咁去做,有乜注意
5. 當然一切都你請我願,但都有廣義同狹義。你畀人拎支槍指住嘅自願唔係真自願。同樣地,咩安排都好,terms太辣嘅,個equilibrium 好易topple,可能人地違約,你要打官司,甚至佢使橫手,搵人打你,同你攬炒,等等。
6. 所以「公平」唔只係「合約精神」,「Michael Sandel都咁講」,亦唔只係你簽嗰下同意。要一路玩落去,大家都心服口服,先有得玩。
7. 個大意思在TL;DR寫咗了:雖然冇相,但呀16歲少女事主X,就去接客。兩日接八個,就算個客吳彥祖咁款我估都唔多過瘾,更何況多數係張同祖咁款(無意冒犯,順口啫)。
8. 你話,「冇畀錢你呀?」,等於我地寫字樓講,「冇糧出畀你呀?」。但,唔係咁嘅。呀事主X,一次分1000,值唔值,無從判斷。但有咁多人幫襯,至少都有唔少覺得值?可以話存在即合理,但都唔係重點
9. 重點係,人係好得意嘅動物,人就係會比較。我甚至懷疑只有人先類會有「攬炒」。著名嘅Ultimatum Game(https://bit.ly/2zAtmRr)(果然加個英文就好專業):一筆錢,A決定分幾多畀阿B,阿B可以收,或者攬炒,大家都冇。理論上阿B應該乜都受,因為總係好過冇,就算100蚊阿A要99蚊分1蚊畀B,B都應該受,因為1蚊好過冇。至少古典經濟學咁講
10. 但實驗見到,唔係咁。人係好奇怪嘅動物,你可以話公義,或者就叫黃子華嘅「魚蛋論」。人見到其他人幸福,會唔開心。又或者,見到人仆街,會好開心。呢個可以同佢自己情況無關的。做過投行都知,你出三個月花紅,廢柴同事出五個月,你嬲足幾日。但你出一個月,廢柴同事冇,保證你就開心幾日。
11. 道理正係咁,事主X係咪值1000蚊,根本唔重要。重要係,你另外三條女,坐冷氣房碌下電話,收咗1600蚊喎!唔公道咯。咬得咁狼,分贜唔勻,必然出事的。肚痛只係一個導火線,總會有一日爆。
12. 另一個問題就係,所謂嘅馬扶,雞頭,龜公,agent,whatever you name it,就係中介人,帶嚟乜價值先?直接啲講,你憑乜去收嗰1600蚊?個客畀2600,係想要事主X嘅服務嘛。點解事主X唔自己拎晒2600?甚至減到2000,就win-win,大家分咗個consumer surplus (!)
13. 我同利世民,幾次都提過一本書,有中文版,《百辯經濟學》。但英文版Defending the Undefendable直頭可以免費網上睇,(https://bit.ly/2zzhfUA)。右翼Libertarian必睇,入面就係去為啲傳統畀人鬧嘅角色辯解。其中就包括pimp,扯皮條。佢有講,呢種中介人,帶嚟乜價值。
14. 本書講得有道理。但,唔好忘記,呢本書1976年。過去四十幾年,世界變咗好多。而家係一個去中介化嘅年代。以前你想睇金庸,就要買明報,奉送一大堆你唔想睇嘅物體。但而家我係作者,可以直接做收費專欄。好多行業都係咁,賣淫/性交易點會例外。你幾位冷氣agent,提供到乜嘢不可或缺嘅價值?我估冇乜。
15. 仲有一個點。亦係魚蛋論。你話如果個中介人係個阿婆,可能冇咁奶嘢。阿婆可以話「阿妹doi你估我唔想幫你咩,但我幾廿歲啲友嚟玩假牙咩,我係有人要我都落場啦」。但,今次嗰幾個中介,廿歲出頭,有手有腳有乜乜。點服眾?做乜我要落場,你唔使落場,而分得多過我?
16. 情況等於公司搬嘢,你老細如果係七十歲,咁佢唔搬嘢,你可以接受。但如果佢仲後生過你,但在側邊指指點點,唔幫手,你實唔服。
17. 唔想寫太長,但類似嘅東西,仲有好多好多。我2003年在新港戲院(已死),睇過套好爛嘅戲,叫做 In the cut,中文叫驚殺。男主角係變型俠醫,荷里活摩連奴Mark Ruffalo。但梗係睇女啦。除衫嗰個,威咯,Meg Ryan!Hey,show some respect,荷里活甜心You’ve got mail緣份的天空 90男歡女愛嘅Meg Ryan!雖然當時已經四張嘢!但更好玩嘅係,邊個監製?係Nicole Kidman.話原本係佢剝,但佢搞緊離婚要多啲時間陪小朋友,哈哈哈,所以點咗朋友Meg Ryan去除。真夠朋友,套戲咁好,你唔自己除?你又唔係七老八十。
18. 仲有,周顯早兩日寫嘅東西,亦係同一道理(https://bit.ly/2ZGY85K)。講明就係分贓不勻易出事
19. 之前睇嘅唔少戲,都係呢個主題。包括係泰片嘅《出貓特工隊》,或者十幾年前嘅西片《決勝21點》(21)—前者大家熟,後者呢套戲唔係太多人睇過,但故事應聽過:麻省理工嘅精英教授同學生,靠計數同記牌去煲爆賭場。但一樣係分贓不勻,有啲人覺得根本唔使靠其他人,我一個玩晒就得,有人唔同意,就出事。
20. 事實係,幾時都係scarcity就代表巴京拎包華.例如PTGF事主X呢個情況,你諗都諗到,邊樣先係scarcity,邊個有巴京拎包華。16歲仲要落場仲要客人滿意嘅服務提供者難求?定係啲冷氣中介難求?所以邊個應該拎大份?一睇就知唔公道。
21. 最後再講,好多人以為「老細」「管理層」「CEO」一定高人工,但都有唔少例外。亦係等於我講補習天王篇文,有啲行業睇individual talent.銀行,特別係投資銀行,最高人工嘅,往往唔係個CEO,而係帶客嘅sales,或者炒房嘅trader.原因同補習天王一樣,佢地先係落場搏命,佢地去第間都得,CEO只係個高級公關同Admin
22. 舉一反三,足球隊,NBA都係。你發現,員人工都高過領隊唔罕見,亦係Scarcity嘅問題。固然有名帥,但一般都係球員先係scarcity.曼聯費格遜年代,聽聞有個規矩,球員唔可以高人工過佢。佢話否則球員點會聽你支笛?但而家冇呢回事了,亦可能係因為領隊冇以前咁重要。所以你見而家好多時係領隊驚球員,球員有食力嘅,去邊都得。粗略講,我搵條廢柴帶美斯C朗落場,肯定好過搵摩連奴/哥迪奧拿帶班廢拉球員。
23. 真係最後講下,呢篇文其實夠晒踩界,可能去到本專頁嘅底線了。始終公開嘅專頁,唔排除有人唔高興,投訴,咁呢篇文就會下架。所以有得睇快睇,「但又記住畀like 同share」
24. 咁你話,其實我咁玩,咪又好似補習天王咁咯,人地就不停講內幕貼士,卒之出事。我就越寫越大膽,都係會出事。我想大家share,但又怕太高調。咁邊有得唔高調而廣傳呢?—但有個分別,我出事,最多咪整走篇文,或者最壞情況成個Page玩完—但唔會要坐監嘛。
25. 呢個亦係我想講,真係最後一個故事:飛機上,一隻鸚鵡對空姐說:「給大爺來杯水。」豬也學鸚鵡,對空姐說:「給大爺來杯水。」空姐大怒,將鸚鵡和豬都扔下了飛機。這時,鸚鵡對豬說:「你傻的嗎?大爺會飛呀!」
26. 教訓係乜?有時,你見高層就算同你一齊落手落腳搬嘢,甚至同你共同進退,出咗事齊齊畀人炒。但人地有幾千萬幾億身家,你冇嘛!所以,都真係唔同的。當然一般都總好過坐埋側邊點人搬嘢自己唔搬嘅人。(***)
27. 彩蛋:你見埃汾幫你間晒重點。會唔會有人以為埃汾讀書間書或者整notes好叻?無數咁多人可以證明,我係唔間書嘅。本教科書咪係碌屎。我亦都唔明啲女同學間到本書有螢光筆多過冇,係乜玩法。
課程編號填: CC01
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Stand up. Respect ✊
(Update: 中文繹版連結:https://www.facebook.com/329728177143445/posts/1800273350088913/)
“An open letter to Eric Kwok, and for everyone re homophobia, discrimination and bullying”
Dear Eric,
Imagine this. You are one of the contestants on a TV talent show. You are sitting in a room with other hopefuls and one of the judges walks into the room and demanded this: “Raise your hand if you are not homophobic.”
I’m very sure you will raise your hand.
You don’t have to answer me whether or not you really are homophobic. But stay with the feeling inside your mind. How do you feel?
Your feelings are most likely the same as the feelings of your contestants when you walked into a room and asked them to raise their hands to declare their sexual orientation publicly. Because in this day and age, homophobia is just as “controversial” as homosexuality, if not more.
The reason why I’m writing this open letter to you is because after reading your apology, I want to take the opportunity to address to you, and everyone out there, the need for proper etiquette regarding LGBT issues, and to address the forms of micro-aggression, bullying and discrimination the LGBT community faces everyday especially in the workplace.
I’m taking this incident seriously because from my personal experience, this is not just a one-time slip-up for you.
I remember long time ago I was so looking forward to meeting and working with you because you are, after all, Eric Kwok the great songwriter.
You were very friendly when we talked privately. Then I started to notice how once there were audiences, media or other people around and when the cameras were turned on, you would start making insinuating and demeaning gay jokes about me and in front of me. Jokes and comments even my closest friends wouldn’t dare to make in public.
At first, I didn’t really pay too much attention. I just brushed it off as juvenile and trivial. In fact, I had been so used to these jokes since growing up that I learned not to react much.
However, as time progressed and we worked on more occasions, the same thing would happen repeatedly. The teasing and the stereotypical gay jokes continued and you would make sure that the spotlight would fall on me afterwards. The jokes no longer felt light. They felt hostile, even vindictive.
In fact, it felt like bullying.
One of these incidents was well documented in tabloids back then and you can still look it up yourself on the internet.
I came to the realization that it was not just a one-time thing. I don’t know if it’s intentional or unintentional but it’s definitely a habit and a pattern.
So many questions would be in my mind every time after working with you. Why does Eric do that every time? Is he picking on me? Does he hate me? Is he homophobic? Does he think homosexuality is something funny? Does he do this to other people too? Did I do something that pissed him off? I remember I was nothing but courteous. So why do I deserve this?
I had no answers for all of these questions. All I knew was I became fearful of working with you, dreading what words would fall out of your mouth to put me in an awkwardly embarassing position. But still I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. You’re from California you shouldn’t be homophobic. I even defended you in my head by telling myself to loosen up.
But it’s not just you. Throughout my years in the entertainment industry, I have encountered and endured so many chauvinistic “tough guys” who like to use homosexuality as a laughing stock or source of bad comedy which were all discriminating and demeaning, yet not funny.
It’s not only me. I’m sure many people of the LGBT community face this everyday in their workplace. People around them would claim their intentions were harmless but we all knew deep down that these “jokes” have the power to put people someone in an embarrassing, inferior and even threatening positions.
We kept quiet and tolerated. Sometimes we even felt obligated to laugh along just so we couldn’t afford to look “petty” or “stiff”, especially in front of people of higher authority and stature.
So Eric I want to ask you.
Why have you been so obsessed with my sexuality all these years?
Why are you so fascinated by other people’s sexuality?
Why is being gay such a huge issue to you even to this day that you had to make it the first thing you asked your contestants?
Why you also had to specifically make a post on social media about that fact you questioned people about their sexuality?
Why do you take so much pride publicly in your ability to guess who are the gay contestants even when they weren’t ready to share that information?
And most of all why do you find all this to be so funny?
To begin with one’s sexual orientation is a very personal thing which others have no right to intrude, even in the entertainment industry where you are supposed to be fine with “controversy”.
This is for you and everyone out there: using your power and authority to demand someone to declare his or her sexual orientation, especially in a work environment, is ancient, barbaric and unacceptable.
Kicking someone out of the closet is just pure evil.
The fact you did what you did, especially with your stature and on broadcast TV, is not only wrong, but also you are telling the Hong Kong audience that it’s alright to continue this form of intrusion and micro aggression that the LGBT community wants to see gone.
You’re leading a very poor example by giving Hong Kong audience the impression that being gay is still a taboo.
How are your contestants, who are boys of young age, going to offer new perspectives to the Hong Kong audience under your guidance if you perpetuate stereotyping and demonstrate to them that being gay is still an issue?
I feel sorry for any contestants who are in fact gay sitting in that room that day too. They must have been traumatized seeing the way you forced your inquisition. The impression you left them with is that the entertainment industry is still a very unfriendly place for gays. Is that what you want them to think?
But most of all, it’s the attitude, tone and manner with which you shared about this incident on social media, giving people the impression that any matter regarding sexual orientation is still something shameful and laughable, which is on top of list the thing that the LGBT community fights hard everyday to change.
When you said in your apology you “have great respect for gay people, especially their hard fight for equality” I became baffled as what you did, in the past to me or in that room to the boys, is the exact thing that makes the LGBT community’s ongoing fight for equality so difficult.
Putting people down, perpetuate stereotypes, heckling and ridiculing yet making it look OK is anything but liberal and respectful, or Californian. I don’t see any “entertainment values” that are of good taste if they are made up at the expense of other people’s struggle.
If this incident happened in America, where you grew up, you would’ve gotten yourself in such hot waters that you probably can’t get out of.
I just want you and everyone out there to know that it’s not okay. And it never was. Never will be.
Being “as liberal as it gets” is great. Having gay friends is great too. Having dinner with your gay friends is absolutely fabulous! Playing all these cards to avoid being labelled as “homophobic” is very convenient. But having class, empathy, kindness and authentic respect is a completely different territory. These don’t come automatically with backgrounds.
At this point you don’t owe me an apology. I just hope that after this incident you can really start working and living with the essences of a truly liberal and creative individual. Inspire changes and end stereotypes. Start new trends and break old patterns. Embrace and not segregate. Do the work.
I had been away from Hong Kong and the industry for a few years now. It breaks me heart that I have to write this sort of open letter when it’s already 2018. I want to make this industry a safer, nicer and more accepting place to work in when I return. I want members of the LGBT community in Hong Kong, who have been so supportive of me and my music, to also have safer and nicer working environment in their respective lives.
I don’t mind coming off as an over-reacting petty bitch with no sense of humour if my message finally comes through and everyone, including you, “gets it”. I rather have no sense of humour than a bad one.
To all the contestants of the show. If anyone ever asks you if you are gay and you are not ready to discuss, it’s OK to stand up for yourself and say this: “It’s a rude question to begin with. You have no right to get an answer from me to begin with. And it doesn’t matter. It SHOULDN’T matter. It’s 2018. I hope one day I can use my craft to inspire the world and to make this become a non-issue.”
But if you are ready to be open, you have my complete support and love.
Let’s hope that through acceptance, learning and effort, one day there will no longer be any “controversial questions”. Wouldn’t we like that Eric?
Yours truly,
Eric Kwok 郭偉亮
talent show中文 在 人山人海 PMPS Music Facebook 的精選貼文
(Update: 中文繹版連結:https://www.facebook.com/329728177143445/posts/1800273350088913/)
“An open letter to Eric Kwok, and for everyone re homophobia, discrimination and bullying”
Dear Eric,
Imagine this. You are one of the contestants on a TV talent show. You are sitting in a room with other hopefuls and one of the judges walks into the room and demanded this: “Raise your hand if you are not homophobic.”
I’m very sure you will raise your hand.
You don’t have to answer me whether or not you really are homophobic. But stay with the feeling inside your mind. How do you feel?
Your feelings are most likely the same as the feelings of your contestants when you walked into a room and asked them to raise their hands to declare their sexual orientation publicly. Because in this day and age, homophobia is just as “controversial” as homosexuality, if not more.
The reason why I’m writing this open letter to you is because after reading your apology, I want to take the opportunity to address to you, and everyone out there, the need for proper etiquette regarding LGBT issues, and to address the forms of micro-aggression, bullying and discrimination the LGBT community faces everyday especially in the workplace.
I’m taking this incident seriously because from my personal experience, this is not just a one-time slip-up for you.
I remember long time ago I was so looking forward to meeting and working with you because you are, after all, Eric Kwok the great songwriter.
You were very friendly when we talked privately. Then I started to notice how once there were audiences, media or other people around and when the cameras were turned on, you would start making insinuating and demeaning gay jokes about me and in front of me. Jokes and comments even my closest friends wouldn’t dare to make in public.
At first, I didn’t really pay too much attention. I just brushed it off as juvenile and trivial. In fact, I had been so used to these jokes since growing up that I learned not to react much.
However, as time progressed and we worked on more occasions, the same thing would happen repeatedly. The teasing and the stereotypical gay jokes continued and you would make sure that the spotlight would fall on me afterwards. The jokes no longer felt light. They felt hostile, even vindictive.
In fact, it felt like bullying.
One of these incidents was well documented in tabloids back then and you can still look it up yourself on the internet.
I came to the realization that it was not just a one-time thing. I don’t know if it’s intentional or unintentional but it’s definitely a habit and a pattern.
So many questions would be in my mind every time after working with you. Why does Eric do that every time? Is he picking on me? Does he hate me? Is he homophobic? Does he think homosexuality is something funny? Does he do this to other people too? Did I do something that pissed him off? I remember I was nothing but courteous. So why do I deserve this?
I had no answers for all of these questions. All I knew was I became fearful of working with you, dreading what words would fall out of your mouth to put me in an awkwardly embarassing position. But still I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. You’re from California you shouldn’t be homophobic. I even defended you in my head by telling myself to loosen up.
But it’s not just you. Throughout my years in the entertainment industry, I have encountered and endured so many chauvinistic “tough guys” who like to use homosexuality as a laughing stock or source of bad comedy which were all discriminating and demeaning, yet not funny.
It’s not only me. I’m sure many people of the LGBT community face this everyday in their workplace. People around them would claim their intentions were harmless but we all knew deep down that these “jokes” have the power to put people someone in an embarrassing, inferior and even threatening positions.
We kept quiet and tolerated. Sometimes we even felt obligated to laugh along just so we couldn’t afford to look “petty” or “stiff”, especially in front of people of higher authority and stature.
So Eric I want to ask you.
Why have you been so obsessed with my sexuality all these years?
Why are you so fascinated by other people’s sexuality?
Why is being gay such a huge issue to you even to this day that you had to make it the first thing you asked your contestants?
Why you also had to specifically make a post on social media about that fact you questioned people about their sexuality?
Why do you take so much pride publicly in your ability to guess who are the gay contestants even when they weren’t ready to share that information?
And most of all why do you find all this to be so funny?
To begin with one’s sexual orientation is a very personal thing which others have no right to intrude, even in the entertainment industry where you are supposed to be fine with “controversy”.
This is for you and everyone out there: using your power and authority to demand someone to declare his or her sexual orientation, especially in a work environment, is ancient, barbaric and unacceptable.
Kicking someone out of the closet is just pure evil.
The fact you did what you did, especially with your stature and on broadcast TV, is not only wrong, but also you are telling the Hong Kong audience that it’s alright to continue this form of intrusion and micro aggression that the LGBT community wants to see gone.
You’re leading a very poor example by giving Hong Kong audience the impression that being gay is still a taboo.
How are your contestants, who are boys of young age, going to offer new perspectives to the Hong Kong audience under your guidance if you perpetuate stereotyping and demonstrate to them that being gay is still an issue?
I feel sorry for any contestants who are in fact gay sitting in that room that day too. They must have been traumatized seeing the way you forced your inquisition. The impression you left them with is that the entertainment industry is still a very unfriendly place for gays. Is that what you want them to think?
But most of all, it’s the attitude, tone and manner with which you shared about this incident on social media, giving people the impression that any matter regarding sexual orientation is still something shameful and laughable, which is on top of list the thing that the LGBT community fights hard everyday to change.
When you said in your apology you “have great respect for gay people, especially their hard fight for equality” I became baffled as what you did, in the past to me or in that room to the boys, is the exact thing that makes the LGBT community’s ongoing fight for equality so difficult.
Putting people down, perpetuate stereotypes, heckling and ridiculing yet making it look OK is anything but liberal and respectful, or Californian. I don’t see any “entertainment values” that are of good taste if they are made up at the expense of other people’s struggle.
If this incident happened in America, where you grew up, you would’ve gotten yourself in such hot waters that you probably can’t get out of.
I just want you and everyone out there to know that it’s not okay. And it never was. Never will be.
Being “as liberal as it gets” is great. Having gay friends is great too. Having dinner with your gay friends is absolutely fabulous! Playing all these cards to avoid being labelled as “homophobic” is very convenient. But having class, empathy, kindness and authentic respect is a completely different territory. These don’t come automatically with backgrounds.
At this point you don’t owe me an apology. I just hope that after this incident you can really start working and living with the essences of a truly liberal and creative individual. Inspire changes and end stereotypes. Start new trends and break old patterns. Embrace and not segregate. Do the work.
I had been away from Hong Kong and the industry for a few years now. It breaks me heart that I have to write this sort of open letter when it’s already 2018. I want to make this industry a safer, nicer and more accepting place to work in when I return. I want members of the LGBT community in Hong Kong, who have been so supportive of me and my music, to also have safer and nicer working environment in their respective lives.
I don’t mind coming off as an over-reacting petty bitch with no sense of humour if my message finally comes through and everyone, including you, “gets it”. I rather have no sense of humour than a bad one.
To all the contestants of the show. If anyone ever asks you if you are gay and you are not ready to discuss, it’s OK to stand up for yourself and say this: “It’s a rude question to begin with. You have no right to get an answer from me to begin with. And it doesn’t matter. It SHOULDN’T matter. It’s 2018. I hope one day I can use my craft to inspire the world and to make this become a non-issue.”
But if you are ready to be open, you have my complete support and love.
Let’s hope that through acceptance, learning and effort, one day there will no longer be any “controversial questions”. Wouldn’t we like that Eric?
Yours truly,
Eric Kwok 郭偉亮
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这一集节目是在新加坡实施“断路器”(circuit breaker)和“安全距离”(safe distancing)抗疫措施之前所拍摄的。
This was filmed before the implementation of the circuit breaker and social distancing measures.
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talent show中文 在 Sugar Melon 衰哥霉人 Youtube 的最佳解答
即刻上meWATCH: https://bit.ly/moneyshere_ep8_noc 观看全集!
这一集节目是在新加坡实施“断路器”(circuit breaker)和“安全距离”(safe distancing)抗疫措施之前所拍摄的。
This was filmed before the implementation of the circuit breaker and social distancing measures.
衰哥霉人 Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sugarmelonshow/
衰哥霉人 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sugarmelonshow
梓杰 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raozijie/
阳光可乐 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/yangguangkele3883
我们是Night Owl Cinematics旗下的最新YouTube频道。任何商业咨询(包括请衰男霉女出席活动),请电邮到 sylvia@noc.com.sg (cc ryan@noc.com.sg )
Sugar Melon is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Night Owl Cinematics. For business/brand features and talent engagements, please email sylvia@noc.com.sg (cc ryan@noc.com.sg )
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我们是Night Owl Cinematics旗下的最新YouTube频道。任何商业咨询(包括请衰男霉女出席活动),请电邮到 sylvia@noc.com.sg (cc ryan@noc.com.sg )
Sugar Melon is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Night Owl Cinematics. For business/brand features and talent engagements, please email sylvia@noc.com.sg (cc ryan@noc.com.sg )
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