在我的觀念裡,力量訓練可分為「基礎力量」和「專項力量」。前者是每一種運動項目都要練的,後者跟運動項目有關,例如游泳、自行車、足球和跑步的「專項力量」都會有差別。但「基礎力量」會大同小異,這個大同中就一定有蹲舉……等動作。但除了蹲舉還有哪些?《The System》這本談論基礎力量的專書已經明確回答了這個問題,下面引用原文書第34頁分享如下:
帕列托法則(Pareto’s Principle),是一項著名的經濟學法則,又稱為「80/20法則」,它也適用於力量訓練動作的選擇。它所要表達的意思很簡單:把80%資源花在能產出最大效益的20%關鍵事情上,而這20%的關鍵又將為你帶來80%的效益。從訓練的目的來看,我們可以把這個法則的內容改寫成:從所有的力量動作中選出最關鍵的20%,而這關鍵的20%訓練動作將為運動員的力量與爆發力帶來80%的訓練效果。
●下背與後側動力鏈:羅馬尼亞式硬舉 (RDL)、背挺舉、反向背挺舉、早安動作
We ascribe to the 80/20 rule—attributed as Pareto’s Principle, an economic principle. It states that for many events, 20 percent of the work yields 80 percent of the effects. Adapted for our purposes, 20 percent of all the exercise and movement choices yield 80 percent of the gains in strength and power development.
●SQUAT VARIATIONS—back squat, front squat, single-leg squat
●EXPLOSIVE MOVEMENTS—clean, snatch, jerk, push-press
●PUSHING AND PULLING—bench press, military press, pulls (clean and snatch), row variants
●LOW BACK AND POSTERIOR CHAIN—Romanian deadlift (RDL), hyperextension and reverse hyperextension, good morning
That very short list of fundamental lifts compromises our particular 20 percent. Although we dedicate much more than 20 percent of our programming to these basic lifts, there is no doubt that well over 80 percent of the results we have seen in our athletes can be attributed to mastering this handful of movements and lifts.
Made even simpler, placing the primary focus of your coaching on learning and refining your teaching of the fundamental lifts will yield far greater and more sustained gains in your athletes’ strength and power than many more complex and “comprehensive” programs.
Any additional lifts or movements should be considered assistance or accessory work, which serve to address specific needs or deficits. Those exercises make up just a fraction of our time, as they fill gaps, rather than form the base of training—in other words, to provide assistance. Too many coaches try to be creative in exercise selection and end up with a collection of movements and lifts that improve nothing to any significant level.
The fundamental movements of sport are squatting, jumping, running, bending, twisting, pushing, and pulling. By building proficiency in the quality, the stability and strength, and then the speed of those movements, we provide almost all of the sport specificity we need. This is how we put first things first, and spend the greatest amount of time and repetition on refining and strengthening movements.
(以上原文出自《The System》第34頁)
同時也有23部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅Tristan H. 崔璀璨,也在其Youtube影片中提到,你有看到這支影片表示我這個禮拜在這公寓剪完,還活著 我都很小心我鬼的室友會聽到所以都戴著耳機剪 哈哈 你有撞鬼的經歷嗎?發生了什麼事呢? *Remember to hit CC to turn on English subtitles!* ❤️ 0:00 片頭 / intro 1:09 戒指被偷...
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【 Squat 該翻成「深蹲」還是「蹲舉」?】
翻譯時有時候會卡在一段話,因為看不懂,或是太確定作者要表達什麼,或是討論的主題太陌生,要重讀很多遍或查了許多資料後作者的意思才會慢慢滲到意識裡,此時中文的意思就會浮現,這都是花時間和精神就可以解決的事(至於譯得好不好就是另外一回事了)。但我覺得最難的還是術語。有些術語很簡單,字典一查就有答案,甚至簡單到直覺就可以譯出來,像是「Squat 到底該譯成深蹲還是蹲舉」這個問題讓我掙扎了超過一年,來來回回改了幾次,其實還是不太能下定決心。
目前大家習慣把「Squat」譯成「深蹲」,之前也沒有細想,很直覺地就跟著一起用「深蹲」來譯「Squat」,但這次在翻譯《The System》時,發現似乎不太妥,因為有很多「Squat」並不「深」,像是:
● Quater Squat(四分之一蹲):一點都不深。
● Half Squat(半蹲):比較深一點,但離最深還有點距離。
● Complete Squat(全蹲):應該是指最深的下蹲姿勢。
● Deep Squat(深蹲):中英文之間最名符其實的譯法。
就這幾個原文而言,單把「Squat」譯為「深蹲」就讓我難受,因為「深蹲」應該要配「Deep Squat」,而「Quater Squat」一點都不深,所以把「Squat」譯為「深蹲」就很奇怪。
因此我後來全改譯成「蹲舉」。例如「Front Squat」都用「前蹲舉」;「Back Squat」都用「後蹲舉」,所以「Squat」譯成蹲舉應該比較適合。但又有一個問題是,很多時候練的是徒手Squat,並沒有「舉」起什麼,前蹲舉和後蹲舉因為是在描述重量「在前」或「在後」,有一個重量讓它舉,所以譯成蹲舉很合理,不過有不少蹲的動作是徒手的。所以要把「Squat」統一譯成「蹲舉」似乎還是不恰當。
「Squat」就是蹲下再起站起來的一種動作,像「Single-Leg Squat」譯成「單腿蹲」就很順,那譯成「蹲」好了,但譯成一個字在很多句子讀起來會很不順啊……像是這句:「There is little debate about the importance of the squat as a critical fundamental human movement pattern. 」
從一開始直覺地譯成「深蹲」,到後來看到書中「Deep Squat」這個詞才發覺不對,那還是譯成「蹲舉」好了,但自己在教初學者或熱身時其實都是徒手在練,沒有「舉」東西,統一譯成「蹲舉」會有問題。而且「深蹲」比較多人用,翻譯的其中一項原則是這個中文詞是否已經很多人在用了,如果沒有大錯,其實應該延用大多數人的用法,所以譯成「深蹲」是最保險的……但是很多「Squat」一點都不深這點還是讓我無法直接把書中大部分的「Squat」譯為「深蹲」……就這樣經過了一年的掙扎,慢慢說服自己的方式是:
● 確定是徒手的部分譯為「深蹲」
● 確定有外加重量時譯為「蹲舉」
● 不確定是徒手或負重,在通用情況且讀起來不會不順時譯為「蹲」或「下蹲」,例如「Squatting Motion」譯為「下蹲動作」,而不譯為「蹲舉動作」或「深蹲動作」。
● 特定動作先以約定俗成的名稱為主,不強套上面的規定,例如:
* Back Squat→背蹲舉
* Front Squat→前蹲舉
* Wall Squats→靠牆蹲
* Overhead Squat→過頭蹲,確定有加重量→「單腿蹲舉」
* Single-leg Squat→單腿蹲,確定有加重量→「單腿蹲舉」
* Goblet Squat→高腳杯深蹲,雖然有重量,但幾乎沒有人用「高腳杯蹲舉」,所以這裡應該會延用,還是有人會覺得要統一譯成「高腳杯蹲舉」比較好?因為有不少人重量在前時是蹲不下去的,他們實際上做不到高腳杯「深」蹲,只是在做微幅的下「蹲」與「舉」起。
題外話,跟 RunningQuotient 合作的 [跑者關鍵力量訓練線上系列課程- 第三期」 08/8 要開課了,疫情這段時間比較少練跑想重新打好力量基礎的人可以來一起跟我們練,共五堂課,每週一次上課訓練+一次團練,有興趣的跑者可以參考課程詳情:https://fb.me/e/1icnApegR
squatting 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文
Look Away from the Wait
“He said, “God’s Kingdom is as if a man should cast seed on the earth, and should sleep and rise night and day, and the seed should spring up and grow, he doesn’t know how. For the earth bears fruit: first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. But when the fruit is ripe, immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.”” (Mark 4:26-29 WEB)
Have you ever tried an exercise called “wall squats”? You basically lean your back against a wall, and bend your knees until you are squatting with your legs in a right angle bend.
Amilee and I do this exercise often now as part of our workout routine.
I notice how the ‘burn’ from this exercise is much more torturous when I stare at the countdown timer (we squat for a minute at the end of our workout). However if I distract myself by reading things, observing my surroundings, or looking at Mae playing in the living room, the one minute passes by easily. If I can hold my smartphone while squatting, I think I can last for many minutes.
When we are obsessing over the wait, it can be very painful. Time seems to crawl at a snail’s pace, and the frustration builds quickly.
God likes ways of progress that we cannot comprehend. That way, we cannot claim the glory, and we won’t be able to obsess over the waiting period.
In the passage above, the man sleeps and rises night and day, going on with his daily life, but the seed is still growing and eventually it bears fruit.
As long as you are receiving the good seeds of God’s word, you can be sure that a harvest is on the horizon.
Obsessing over the waiting process is painful, so just focus on Jesus and enjoy God’s word in the meantime. God is working on your life, even if the progress is not obvious.
You may not understand how your problems or troubles can be resolved, but God is wise and able to turn your situation around easily.
A prolonged waiting period is not wasted time when you have been growing in God’s word.
God can restore you for all those barren years in one fell swoop. One moment of His favor can accomplish more than a lifetime of labor.
Harvest time is coming for sure, so praise God and use your waiting time to do what really matters: receiving the precious treasure of His wisdom and sharing the Gospel to win souls, in the way that the Holy Spirit leads you.
Stay joyful in the Lord, and be filled with His shalom peace. Have a blessed week ahead!
If you are new to reading the four gospels for yourself, or you have some questions about difficult passages in there, I would like to recommend you read my four-ebook bundle called “Understand the Four Gospels Through the Lens of Grace”.
As you read it, many confusing pieces of Scripture will be unlocked to you, and things that used to scare you will be read in the right light. Get the bundle now to enjoy 20% off the usual price, and you can download and read it right away:
squatting 在 Tristan H. 崔璀璨 Youtube 的最佳貼文
我都很小心我鬼的室友會聽到所以都戴著耳機剪 哈哈
*Remember to hit CC to turn on English subtitles!* ❤️
0:00 片頭 / intro
1:09 戒指被偷走 / ring goes missing
2:35 耳環不見了 / earring goes missing
3:40 夾子不見了 / clip goes missing
4:33 走到我頭旁邊 / walking right up to me
6:11 爬上我的床親我 / getting in bed and kissing my cheek
7:00 求幫忙 / call for help
8:23 樓梯上蹲著一個小孩 / child squatting above my staircase
9:58 底線在哪裡? / Has this crossed the line?
If you're watching this video it means that I was successful in editing this video @ my apartment this week. I was really careful not to let my ghostly roommates hear any of it, so I wore headphones the whole time while editing. lol
Have you ever encountered the paranormal? What happened?
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I will use what you receive from the viewer carefully (/・ω・)/💓

squatting 在 WanGong Lin_林碗公 Youtube 的最佳解答
謝謝A space教室,
來A Space教室找碗公練 • 屁 • 屁😂😂😂
01. 站姿 (Standing Position)
02. 直馬步 (Upright Squat Position)
03. 斜馬步 (Squat Position)
04. 倒T蹲 (Low Squatting Position)
05. 手腳著地 (Bear Position)
06. 肘腳著地 (Plank Position)
07. 手膝腳著地 (Tabletop Position)
08. 跪坐 (Kneeling Position)
09. 趴姿 (Prone Position)
10. 劈腿 (Split Position)

squatting 在 Squatting Slavs In Tracksuits - Home - Facebook 的推薦與評價
Squatting Slavs In Tracksuits. 1246748 likes · 105777 talking about this. Exclusive Gopnik party, Tracksuit is mandatory ||| ... <看更多>
squatting 在 Can squatting boost your brain power? - BBC REEL - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Scientific evidence shows that physical activity is not only good for the body, but also for the brain. But what type of exercise and how ... ... <看更多>