[時事英文] 到底是 「 All Lives Matter」還是 「 Black Lives Matter」?
All lives can only matter when black lives matter.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos on Friday expressed support for the Black Lives Matter movement by posting an email exchange with an upset customer.
1. express support 表達支持
2. the Black Lives Matter movement 「黑人的命也是命」運動
3. an email exchange 通信
4. an upset customer 憤怒的顧客
週五,亞馬遜執行長貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)發布了一封其與一名憤怒的顧客互通的電子郵件,來表達對「Black Lives Matter」運動的支持。
In an Instagram post, Bezos posted a screenshot of an email from a customer who said it was “disturbing” and “offensive” that Amazon posted a message on its website in solidarity with the movement. The customer, whose name was blurred, wrote “ALL LIVES MATTER!”
5. post a screenshot 發布一張截圖
6. disturbing and offensive 讓人心煩且令人作嘔的
7. in solidarity with 聲援⋯⋯;與⋯⋯一致
8. All lives matter. 所有人的命都是命。
在 Instagram 的貼文中,貝佐斯發布了一封來自顧客電子郵件的截圖,該顧客稱亞馬遜在官網上聲援此項運動的訊息是「使人心煩」且「令人作嘔的」。該名顧客(姓氏已被塗黑)寫道——「所有人的命都是命!」
Critics of the Black Lives Matter movement often seek to counter the phrase by saying “all lives matter” or “blue lives matter,” referencing fallen police officers.
9. seek to counter 伺機反駁
10. reference (v.) 論及
11. fallen police officers 殉職的警察
批評「Black Lives Matter」運動的人通常會以「all lives matter」或「blue lives matter」——係指殉職的警察——來伺機反駁此項運動。
“I have to disagree with you,” Bezos replied.″
"'Black Lives Matter' doesn’t mean other lives don’t matter. Black lives matter speaks to racism and the disproportionate risk that Black people face in our law enforcement and justice system.”
12. speak to sth 談論…
13. a disproportionate risk 過高的風險
14. the law enforcement and justice system 執法與司法系統
「我無法同意你,」貝佐斯回覆道。「說『Black Lives Matter』並不表示其他人的命就不重要。Black Lives Matter 指責了種族歧視,以及黑人在我們的執法與司法系統中所面臨的過高風險。」
Unlike black parents, Bezos said, he will never have to worry that his son “might be choked to death while being detained one day.” He added that he supports the recent protests around police brutality.
“I want you to know I support this movement that we see happening all around us and my stance won’t change,” he added.
15. never have to worry about 永遠無須擔心⋯⋯
16. be choked to death 被掐死;窒息而死
17. be detained 被拘留
18. support the recent protest 支持近期的抗議活動
19. police brutality 警察暴行
20. stance (n.) 立場
1. All lives matter, not only black ones.
Of course all lives matter! We can address racial discrimination towards all races, poverty, injustice, and other social issues at any time, but the focus now is on the Black Lives Matter movement.
When there is intense public scrutiny of social issues, it gives governments the motivation and support they need to address these issues. Moreover, by focusing on Black Lives Matter at the moment, we are able to examine underlying factors such as wealth inequality, indirect discrimination, and other injustices, all of which affect all races! The Black Lives Matter movement calls attention to these underlying issues.
這點絕對毋庸置疑!我們雖可同時處理因種族、貧困、不公不義以及其他社會問題所帶來的種族歧視,惟現階段的重點乃在於「Black Lives Matter」。當大眾格外關注某一議題時,將能提供政府解決問題所需的動力與支持。此外,藉由「Black Lives Matter」運動,我們便能檢視財富不平等、間接歧視以及其他的不公不義,以裨益所有群體。「Black Lives Matter」運動喚起了大眾對這些問題的關注。
2. Discrimination and prejudice exist everywhere. Protesting will only make things worse.
Nearly all the rights we possess today are founded on the sacrifices of the generations before us through hundreds if not thousands of years of civil movements and reforms. Voicing injustice and grievances is an effective way to help our society become aware of social issues and take action. A recent example is the discrimination against Asian Americans in the US. If they had not spoken up against discrimination, there would not be sufficient public pressure to condemn those who wrongly pin the blame of the pandemic on them.
3. George Floyd had a criminal past. Why wasn’t this reported?
Video footage shows that Floyd was not behaving in a violent manner during his arrest, was not armed, and was not suspected of a violent crime. The claim that his criminal past was not reported is false as it was covered by the Guardian, NPR, and other press. Some news outlets might not have published this because past events have no bearing on how George Floyd was detained and treated. Some might also easily conflate these events and not focus on the current movement.
4. The government has not done anything wrong. Those who support the Black Lives Matter movement are condoning rioting and looting.
政府並沒有做錯事。那些支持「Black Lives Matter」運動的人,正在縱容暴亂與搶劫的發生。
A democratic government exists to serve the people, but citizens in democracies must also agree to abide by the rules and obligations by which they are governed. Democracies grant many freedoms to their citizens, including the freedom to dissent and criticize the government.
When a government violates the fundamental human rights of its citizens, it is the civic responsibility of citizens to protest and redress these infringements and violations. Unfortunately, some are so frustrated with the inaction of the government that they will resort to violence to make themselves heard. There are also some who take the opportunity to benefit themselves through rioting and looting. Such actions should be condemned to the full extent of the law.
It is common to base on our opinion of a complex issue on our own biases and tidbits of information provided by mainstream news outlets. However, for us to resolve any complex issue, we must seek to understand, analyze, and evaluate these issues in depth from multiple perspectives. While current social problems are difficult to solve, they present a chance for us to come together and change the world for the better!
What is Black Lives Matter?
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Podcast Echo:你的播客速報 #22
👉 Podcast 的開放生態系正在加速步上毀滅,但我們還來得及做些什麼去挽救。
1. 如果關於 Joe Rogan 和 Spotify 的所有討論你只有時間讀一篇,那就是這篇。
2. 前半段稍微老調重彈:Spotify 在壟斷 Podcast、Podcast 未來會充滿煩人的廣告......
3. 回過頭來看,不正是因為 RSS 技術無法跟上需求(例如廣告),Spotify 才有可乘之機嗎?
4. RSS 協定應該有所更新。無論 Overcast 加入 RSS 的「Payment」按鈕,或者 NPR 發起、用來衡量廣告的「RAD」計劃都是這個技術邁向未來的方式,開放生態的擁護者應該有所組織、行動。
👉 Larry King 以 500 萬美元與 4Forty4 簽下獨家合作協議:我希望採訪川普。
1. 傳奇主持人 Larry King 轉戰 Podcast,與製作公司 4Forty4 Media 合作開設名人訪談節目《The Millionth Question》。
2. 如果你不知道他,2010 年底停播的《Larry King Live》一集是 CNN 收視率最高的節目。
3. 我們剛看到 Joe Rogan(據傳)高達一億美元的合約,500 萬似乎沒什麼,但以新節目而言這個數字其實差不多。
4. Larry King 最想訪川普,作為名人訪談而非政治訪談(儘管關於川普的一切都難以避免政治)。
👉 Youtube 幫助 Joe Rogan 成長茁壯,現在他要離開了,等等,不完全是。
1. 很多人關注 Joe Rogan 對 Podcast 的影響,不過我們可以看看他和 Youtube 的關係。
2. 根據 Rogan 和 Spotify 的協議,他的內容在 Spotify 獨佔,但他仍然可以把較短的片段放上 Youtube 吸引觀眾(就像他現在有個專門放 Podcast 片段的副頻道)。
3. Rogan 許多最吸引人的片段都是視覺的,它們被做成GIF、截圖四處傳播,進而帶來新觀眾。
4. 也許 Spotify 有志提供 Video Podcast,但現階段來說,Youtube 仍然是不可或缺的曝光管道。
👉 法蘭西語言豐富委員會:比起「podcast」,不如使用「audio à la demande」。
1. 法蘭西語言豐富委員會(CELF)志在成為法語純潔性的忠實守護者。
2. 2018 年他們建議大家停止使用「fake news」,改用「information fallacieuse」。
3. 最新的建議:不要使用「podcast」,以「audio à la demande(AAD)」取代。
4. 就像台灣有過應不應該繼續使用「播客」這個中國譯名的討論,語言總在變化。
#podcast_echo #podcast
npr news video 在 曹長青 Facebook 的精選貼文
CNN等媒體去年在報導中,毀謗一個支持川普、戴著『重建偉大美國』紅帽的美國中學生而被告上法庭,總索賠額8億美元,其中對CNN 索賠額是2億7千5百萬美元。現CNN與該學生『庭外和解』,一般估計賠償額在7位數,有說法至少250萬美元。另外這名學生的律師團還在起訴另一家當時也參與譭謗的知名美國左派媒體《華盛頓郵報》,索賠額是2.5億美元,另外還起訴了美國 NBC 電視、ABC電視、哈芬頓郵報、國家廣播電臺(NPR)、Slate、The Hill、Gannett媒體集團、以及英國的《衛報》。左媒左瘋,編造事實,該被重罰、付出代價!https://youtu.be/qjXFDQJA7CY