[台北] 在台北有家酒店,讓吉神找到了家的感覺,不僅僅是因為有舒服的床,或者有家的裝璜,而是在細節上用心,同時又大方與住客分享的理念,讓人毫不拘謹的像回家一樣,吉神尤其喜歡賴在這裡的「客廳」,又不須多花半分錢的又吃又喝又拿,重點是你不須花大錢當貴賓,來這裡大家都是自己人,不必客氣。 詳情在圖說,網頁版在此 http://bit.ly/2mJx3J1
[Taipei] In Taipei, there is a hotel Gibson likes to call home, not simply because they offer a comfy bed or decorations to make him feel at home. It is because they have a lounge that lets you hang around anytime of the day with friends with free flowing drinks and snacks, you can even help yourself to extra towels and toiletries anytime you wish, and you do not need to be a VIP or stay at Club floor to enjoy the benefits of “home”, what can beat that? Details in caption and blog version at http://bit.ly/2mFAuPO
Hotel Quote Taipei
Address: No. 333, Nanjing East Rd. Sec. 3, Songshan District, Taipei
Contact: +886-2-2175-5588
Website: www.hotel-quote.com
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