之前提過, 本來想秋天來做這樣的導讀, 但台灣疫情太嚴重, 這個時候做, 或許比較好, 這樣有興趣的人可以利用在家的時間來學習, 也可以轉移對疫情的注意力.
美國上市公司的年報資訊很透明. 通常看完一份年報, 就能掌握八成的公司狀態了. 公司給的官方資訊也比網路上的優質&有系統.
這次會以一家成長型公司的年報為主軸, 其他公司的為輔, 來帶大家看年報, 並分享自己是如何抓公司的營運重點. 屆時也會有有看年報經驗的股友一起做分享.
(By the way, 我說的年報導讀, 是說看10-K(以下以PINS為例). 主要是知道公司的業務, 還有該注意的營運關鍵數字:
Anyway. 只是想先溝通一下會比較好. 要參加的人, 也比較有心理準備.)
🎯目的: 推廣看年報的好處,並藉此了解公司營運核心, 以掌握財富; 推廣疫情期間在家自學.
🎯對象: 想要了解個股基本面的美股投資人.英文能力不是問題: 可透過這次的導讀, 讓您之後找中文資料時, 能夠進入狀況. 或是之後可利用Google Translator來做輔助.
🎯時間: 台灣時間本周日(06/06)早上10點. 美國的朋友也歡迎(美東時間周六晚上10點, 美西時間晚上7點). 計畫1~1個半小時.
🎯進行方式 : Zoom (抱歉我不會露臉😅)
請用這連結加入會議: https://www.zoom.us/join
Meeting ID: 490 064 3121
Meeting passcode: 4n0tRe(輸入的時候請注意大小寫. 中間那個是數字"0")
(如果屆時不方便, 我會將影片錄下來, 之後可以觀看)
🌻曾獲諾貝爾經濟學獎的美國心理學家 Daniel Kahneman, 最近接受了Barron's的專訪, 談了一下他的新書"Noise".
1. 討論也是會帶來所謂的噪音("in some cases, discussions can cause noise.")
-->This makes me wonder: 大家在一起討論個股時, 是否真的對自己有幫助?
一位財經名嘴的方法挺好: 他會自己先把公司的資料看過一遍後, 歸納出自己的想法. 也讓自己不受到媒體的報導所影響.
2. Overconfidence spins from the fact that we tend to latch onto one interpretation of a situation. We do not see alternatives.
過於自信其實是只看到一種情境的展現, 因為這表示自己沒有看到另外幾種情境.
3. One way to discipline your thinking is independence—making sure that if you’re consulting different people, they are independent of each other. Or if you are looking at different characteristics of an investment, that you evaluate them independently of each other.
一種讓自己思考能夠有紀律的方法是獨立--也就是在跟不同的人徵詢意見時, 這些人的思考也是要互相獨立的. 不是同溫層.
運用在投資上就是, 在考量一家公司的各種特點時, 要獨立去看這些特點.
4. 這段也寫的挺好. 可用在挑股上. 也就是, 挑股時, 不能只把眼光侷限在單一個股上. 而是要把公司拿來跟其他公司一起做比較.
Aggregate judgements wherever possible. Making judgements comparatively, rather than absolutely, is [also] a very good procedure. People are much better at saying that A is riskier than B, rather than putting an exact number on how risky A is and how risky B is. Use comparative risk and relative risk, rather than putting absolute numbers on things. Simple rules tend to be very good; people who are not governed by rules tend to be extremely noisy in their judgements. When you become conscious of the problem of noise, you become conscious of the value of rules and of discipline.
Picture: 花栗鼠(chipmunk)
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅GreatKidsLearning,也在其Youtube影片中提到,看圖學中英文 96 個人情緒 (Learning Chinese and English Vocabularies about personal mood.) You can learn English and Chinese vocabularies easily days by days. ...
- 關於characteristics中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
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- 關於characteristics中文 在 YK樂團 - YK band - Yerko Lorca & Kuan Yin Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於characteristics中文 在 GreatKidsLearning Youtube 的精選貼文
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- 關於characteristics中文 在 香港少數族裔學生學習中文的研究: 理念、挑戰與實踐 的評價
characteristics中文 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
連著好幾晚,躺在我右側的女兒吵著我唸《My Weird School》這套故事書給她聽;兒子則吵著要跟我聊「北韓」話題。
我實在分身乏術,心想如果他跟我談的是德國納粹種族主義(Nazis )(Holocaust),我還可以推薦他先閱讀幾本青少年讀物如《The Diary of Anne Frank》《The Boy in the Striped Pajamas》《Number the Stars 》暫且打發。
Feudalism→ Capitalism → Socialism / Communism / Marxism (Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels)
The Republic by Plato (柏拉圖之理想國)
- What countries have been socialist? (那些國家曾經是社會主義?)
- What countries still have socialism? (現在仍存在社會主義的國家為何?)
- What are the characteristics of a socialism?(社會主義國家主要特色有哪些?)
- Why does Socialism fail ?(為什麼社會主義失敗?)
- We once read the book《The Giver》together. Is there anything that resembles Socialism in this book?(我們曾一起閱讀過《The Giver》這本書,書裏頭有那些類似社會主義的地方?)
- What are the characteristics of capitalism?(資本主義的主要特色為何?)
- Could you tell me the pros and cons of capitalism?(你能告訴我資本主義的優缺點嗎?)
- Do you think American capitalism is good for the 2020s? (你認為資本主義對美國未來的近十年是正向的嗎?)
- How can capitalism be improved?(資本主義該如何改善?)
- Are Nordic countries socialist or capitalist?(北歐五國是社會主義還是資本主義?)
- Could you share me more about North Korea in detail?(你可以更詳盡再分享多些你對於北韓的看法嗎?)
characteristics中文 在 YK樂團 - YK band - Yerko Lorca & Kuan Yin Facebook 的精選貼文
這是一首和 國立臺灣史前文化博物館 National Museum of Prehistory 及 蓋亞文化 出版的台灣史前奇幻冒險小說「風暴之子」擦出火花的歌曲-〈古老森林的後裔 Grandsons of Ancient Forest〉。
各大平台聆聽 Hear it at Digital Platform:https://snd.click/trt
ps. 部分國際平台因應年末假期會晚點曝光唷:D
Some platforms during the year-end holiday will postpone the release date 😀 More detailed song information is as follows!
特別謝謝帶我們了解許多卑南文化的 葉長庚、宜婷、芸甯,難忘那天驅車前往台東參觀卑南文化的遺址、由你們帶領我們翻閱文獻、近距離觀看這些出土文物,聆聽背景文化與故事。卑南文化做為台灣重要的史前文化之一,能有這些轉譯的發想與執行,每個環節都令人興奮,期待越來越多人以新的目光聆聽這些土地蘊藏的美麗故事。
Dee ie enssaa dnaaya(半月下的太陽之子)
Ii issee ento ui(靈魂永駐幻化成樹)
Kii inssee essaa libaya(聽,森林的細語唏囌)
io si kenna(唱述大地的美麗故事)
Mriya dehita
iude taka emu
Ameyín sáiya
主要演奏樂器為Lira de la estela de Luna,是由伊比利半島Luna(月亮)小鎮出土的一座石碑上圖案所復刻出的樂器,中文譯為月亮里拉琴(或稱塔特西里拉琴),該石碑目前存放於西班牙當地Zaragoza博物館,年代距今三千年左右,恰好與卑南文化時期有所重疊。歌曲中點綴著多種原始的傳統樂器,像是以羊趾甲製作而成的 Chajchas、早期以木頭製成的笛子 Quena、會發出下雨聲音的Palo de Lluvia 求雨棒、以種子製成的 Güiro de calabaza seca、跳舞專用的腳鈴 Pad Ghungroo、羊皮手鼓Frame Drum等等,期許用更開闊的聲響,編織出人們對於卑南文化的無限想像。
【Information about Grandsons of Ancient Forest - Vali Original Soundtrack】
Vali is Taiwan’s first fantasy-adventure novel set in prehistoric times (more precisely, about 3,000 years ago). It is based on the Peinan culture.
• Plot: The word “vali” means “wind” in an ancient language of Taiwan, and it is also the name of the boy and clouded leopard in the story. During a fierce storm, a canoe is violently tossed about on the water, staying afloat in spite of the tempest. All that is in the canoe is an unconscious boy, whose survival is a miracle and who will later be named after the wind—“Vali.” He ends up living with a tribe that is not his own, transforming, experiencing rebirth, and embarking on a long adventure…
• About the song: The song, inspired by the plot of Vali, creates a musical and emotional link between listeners and a lost yet incomparably precious ancient civilization of Taiwan—the Peinan culture. Over 3,000 years ago, the inhabitants of a settlement on this island lived and depended on one another while following their religious beliefs. We call this island “Taiwan.” Have you ever listened carefully to its mountain forests and the people who sleep eternally in them? They are telling us the beautiful stories of Taiwan, stories that never should have been forgotten.
In the song, the boy sings an ancient melody passed down by the village elders, which goes:
Dee ie enssaa dnaaya (Children of the sun, beneath a half moon.)
Ii issee ento ui (Their spirits live eternally in the form of trees.)
Kii inssee essaa libaya (Hear the whispers of the forest,)
io si kenna (singing the beautiful stories of this land.)
The beginning of the song goes:
Mriya dehita
iude taka emu
Ameyín sáiya
(All myths are based on true stories.)
The main instrument is Lira de la estela de Luna(Lyre of Luna). It is the recreation of one of the oldest string instruments of the Iberian Peninsula. It was created based on an engraving representing a string instrument similar to an ancient Mediterranean lyre. This engraving is on an anthropomorphic funeral stele dating back three thousand years that was found in the town of Luna (Zaragoza) in 1975. The characteristics of the engraving are very similar to the style of the Tartessian period (10 to 6 B.C.).
Besides, this song is dotted with a variety of original traditional musical instruments, like Chajchas, Quena, Palo de Lluvia, Güiro de calabaza seca, Pad Ghungroo, Frame Drum, etc.
小說《風暴之子》作者:奇幻作家 葛葉
Yerko Fuenzalida Lorca
characteristics中文 在 GreatKidsLearning Youtube 的精選貼文
看圖學中英文 96 個人情緒 (Learning Chinese and English Vocabularies about personal mood.)
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characteristics中文 在 香港少數族裔學生學習中文的研究: 理念、挑戰與實踐 的推薦與評價
University 0f H0ng K0ng_ Lumley, T_, and McNamara, T. F. (199S)_ Rater characteristics and rater bias: Implicati0ns for training_ 乙叼刃 g 眈赭 g € T €蠤#刃 ... ... <看更多>
characteristics中文 在 2019 開幕短片-里山倡議在臺灣Satoyama with Taiwanese ... 的推薦與評價
2019 開幕短片-里山倡議在臺灣Satoyama with Taiwanese Characteristics(English ... ... <看更多>