這首歌十年了... 厲害,我還沒死。
【歌詞版 高清YouTube】:https://bit.ly/2NVDibR
【我還是我I AM WHO I AM 高清版YouTube】: https://bit.ly/2ZIgYb0
I am Who I am
我的名字 叫明志 這個自我介紹方式
My name is Namewee this is how I introduce myself
從小老師 就認為我是想要惹事
My teachers always thought I was looking for trouble
我熱愛文字 我討厭公式 我不想面對考試
I love literature but I hate the school system and all its exams
I get annoyed when people comment on my hair style
我的思考方式 沒有人能夠抑制
I was born with a mind that is beyond the control of others
大人都固執的怪我固執 不懂事
Adult always blamed me for being stubborn & naive
我明白 待人處事都有 它的模式
I realized our society has its way of life
但不代表 全部人都要變成孔子
But that doesn’t mean all of us must become Confucius
十五歲 那年初我染上音樂的毒
Age of 15 I discovered the joy of music
我透過音符 來降低我內心的無助
Through its notes I find ways to express my thoughts
我學習美術 但依然無法省悟
I tried picking up art but it could not hold my inner feelings
是孤獨創造梵谷 還是梵谷創造孤獨
Was loneliness created Van Gogh or Van Gogh created loneliness?
中學畢業後 華人得自求多福
Upon finishing high school Chinese must find ways to further their studies
揮揮衣袖 我決定要到台灣留宿
Faced with challenges I decided to pursue my education in Taiwan
爸爸媽媽不要擔心 我不會辜負
Don’t worry mom and dad I promise not to fail you
等我讀完書 一定會回到歸屬
I will return to my beloved home when I graduate
我會好好過 我必須好好過
I will be fine I must stay strong
想家的時候 我就打開電腦拼命創作
When I lone for home I turn on my PC and started writing
牆壁上的大馬國旗 是我的寄託
My Malaysian flag on the wall keeping my spirit alive
床頭的那張全家福 總是讓我振作
My family portrait beside my bed keeping my strong
一個人 在外國 要獨立生活
As a foreigner living in a strange country I learn to become independent
我做過很多工作 我面對很多數落
I took up many jobs to pay my bills and tuition fees
無論再辛苦 還有音樂陪著我
When times were tough at least I still had my music with me
我理想沒有變 因為我 還是我
My dream did not change, I am still who I am
我有我自己的夢 自己會走
I have my own dream I will keep going
Even it’s a lonely path
請原諒我的衝動 我會好好過
Please forgive me for being impulsive, I will be fine
Believe me I am still who I am
我不怕暴雨狂風 將我淹沒
I’m not afraid the obstacles cos it will not drown me
I will keep moving forward
就算旅途再癲頗 我不能回頭
Even if it is a journey of no return I will not give up
Believe me I am still who I am
2007 年 那是個遲來的夏天
Summer came late in the year 2007
改編國歌事件 讓我人生從此改變
My life was forever changed with my national anthem song
透過網際網絡 我闖了禍
I got into trouble through the cyber space
但我堅持沒有犯錯 有人 說我叛國
I was misunderstood and got accused of betraying my country
有人 想幹掉我 有人 說不讓我回國
My life was threaten and I even was told I cannot come home
要我磕頭認錯 政客趁機出頭
I was pushed into the limelight by influential people trying to gain fame
媒體還配合炒作 世界 各地的記者call我
Media got into the action and suddenly international reporters started calling me
I had to learn to stay calm
謠言越來越多 讓人陷入惶恐
Rumours started flowing and my heart started pounding
甚至 還有人把偷渡路線圖 send給我
I even received maps with international escape routes
爸爸媽媽 對不起 不要難過
Sorry mom and dad please don’t be sad
牆壁上的國旗 我從來沒有拆過
I have not taken down the flag hanging in my bedroom
我破了千萬點閱 也上了各大版面
My youtube video broke records and my face made newspaper covers
I got cheered and got booed I must learn to face the music now
我的故事 被文學家 寫進了書
My story was documented into a book
我的臉 還被人畫成了 卡通人物
My face even got drawn into cartoon characters
再多褒與貶 都已經事過境遷
I wished that all the fame and criticism would die down some day
畢業後的我 決定勇敢面對誤解
Upon graduation I decided to return to my beloved country
我用陸路 交通跨越六個國度
With only land routes I walked across 6 countries to come home
拍攝紀錄 沿途上的驚險 和領悟
I even shot a documentary on my challenging journey
一步步 很艱苦 終於回到大馬領土
Thought every step was tought I finally came home to Malaysia
被拍照 被訪問 還被叫到警察總部
I got called to police station and faced many media interviews
雖然 你們都把我 當成公眾人物
Even though most think of me as public personality
但我必須穩住 要保持個人創作元素
But I stayed true to myself to retain my creative art
有人說 我的作品荼毒青年思想
People criticized my songs for poisoning the younger generation
有人說 我的頭腦都在胡思亂想
Some said my mind is full of dirty thoughts
說我亂講 說我是社會毒瘤發癢
That I have bad morel in the civil society
還怪我 變成他兒子的偶像
Some just blamed me for becoming his son’s idol
面對攻擊 我早就已經習慣
I am used to faced difficult situations
保持沉默微笑 是我最好的答案
Keeping silent is my best defense and response
裝模作樣 從來就 不是我的強項
Putting a fake face is never an option for me
但我出門逛逛 卻要偽偽裝裝
I can no longer be myself when I go out
我的email 每天都有人來 訴苦
People write to me pleading for help everyday
但我愛莫能助因為我不是 政府
I just cannot do much because I am not the government
你們來我facebook 鼓勵我 詆毀我
Some come to my Facebook supporting and slandering me
I didn’t delete because it is their freedom of speech
我想要讓你聽見 讓你看見
I want you to listen and I want you to see
我想說的話 我的電影 和我的音樂
The messages I convey through my voice, my film and my music
徘徊尺度邊緣 自由自在的暢所欲言
Walking the fine line in freedom of speech
那是主流媒體 永遠看不到的世界
Which is something the mainstream media can never understand
我站在不 同的的角度我不會停下腳步
I stand from a different point and I will not stop
這條思路 是老天送給我的禮物
This path is a gift from god
你說我糊塗 你甚至想要把我說服
You claimed that I am lost and want to brainwash me
對不起我 還是我那就是我的態度
Sorry, I am still who I am, and this is my attitude
在Kuala Lumpur 開始了新的生活
I am starting new life in Kuala Lumpur
這裡人潮洶湧 馬路坑坑洞洞
It is crowded here and the roads are full of potholes
一不小心 我可能會在這裡失控
If I’m not careful things may just get out of control
這條路 很難走 但我已經 沒有回頭
The path is not easy but I do not have a choice anymore
(我還是我 我還是我)
Because I am still who I am
『數位音樂服務 Digital Music Services』
KKBOX: http://bit.ly/2HGk1tT
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2CQHzbk
iTunes & Apple Music: https://apple.co/2uGZInt
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2FOENE4
MyMusic: http://bit.ly/2UnHq9p
虾米音乐: http://bit.ly/2WIf4nA
网易云音乐: http://bit.ly/2FONeiC
JOOX: http://bit.ly/2VdVHTj
Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:
Namewee YouTube Channel Link:
#Namewee #黃明志
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅Rose Mun,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello my marvelous Moon Pies ??✨ My name is Rose and welcome to my channel where I feature covers, originals, and vlogs. If you enjoy my content, plea...
「book covers for school」的推薦目錄:
- 關於book covers for school 在 Namewee 黃明志 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於book covers for school 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於book covers for school 在 Sing And You-兒童唱歌課程/聲樂課程/Kids Singing Class/Vocal Lesson Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於book covers for school 在 Rose Mun Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於book covers for school 在 MusicNeverSleeps Youtube 的最佳貼文
book covers for school 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳貼文
[Books / 書訊] 巴黎斐杭狄高等廚藝學校再度推出兩本重量級美食聖經 / “Chocolat” and “Le dictionnaire des chefs”, Ferrandi Paris, l’école française de gastronomie & de management hôtelier launches two more important publications of French gastronomy (for English, please click “see more”)
繼《經典廚藝聖經》(Le Grand Cours de Cuisine)與《糕點聖經》(Pâtisserie)兩本鉅細靡遺、囊括現代烹飪與甜點技術的出版品後,Ferrandi 再度在這兩天推出兩本重量級書籍,一本《Chocolat》#巧克力全書、另一本《Le dictionnaire des chefs》(「#主廚辭典」,暫譯)則是法國美食文化寶典。
《Chocolat》在今天大手筆地 #同時推出英法文版,304 頁的內容 #分成技術與食譜兩大部分,前者從巧克力基礎知識開始,以 #超過200張步驟圖詳解包含調溫與製作奶餡、#麵糰、#夾心巧克力與裝飾的40個重要技巧;#食譜部分總計超過70個,包含巧克力棒、法式布丁塔、千層派、閃電泡芙、餅乾、布朗尼等,和《廚藝聖經》與《糕點聖經》採用類似設計,分成從簡單到進階、不可或缺等三種不同等級,讀者可以依照自己的需求選用。這本書目前 #Kindle電子書版本也已推出,有興趣的讀者甚至不需要等國際運送,現在就可以收藏。
《Le dictionnaire des chefs》則是我個人非常感興趣的一本書,由法國知名歷史學家、美食作家 Eric Glatre 與 Ferrandi 合作編纂,採辭典詞條的編列方式,由 A 到 Z 解釋法國美食文化的關鍵詞彙,包含物產品種、廚藝知識、廚房設備、工具等,收錄 #共約8000 個詞彙,包含 #1680個廚藝相關、#1240個甜點相關、1009個香料與調味料相關、1260個肉品相關、720個魚與海鮮相關、1480個水果與蔬菜相關、以及1000個酒與餐點搭配相關的詞彙。#厚達1512頁 的主廚辭典中並非只有文字說明,其中有超過2000張圖片與文字搭配,讓讀者對該詞彙能有更清晰直接的認識。這本書不僅值得廚藝界工作的職人們放在手邊隨時查找解惑,也適合對法國美食感興趣、希望能更深入瞭解法國飲食文化的讀者。本書目前還未在 Amazon 上架,但已經可以在 Fnac 與出版商 BPI 網站上購得。
Amazon.fr 線上訂購網址(可以運送至全球):https://tinyurl.com/y46jjrce
《Le dictionnaire des chefs》:
Fnac 線上訂購網址(運送限法國境內):https://tinyurl.com/y3o72zey
Editions BPI 線上訂購網址(運送限法國境內):https://tinyurl.com/y4ytsle4
🔖 延伸閱讀:
After the huge success of “The Ferrandi Grand Cours de Cuisine” (Le Grand Cours de Cuisine) and the “French Pâtisserie” (Pâtisserie), Ferrandi Paris, School of Culinary Arts and Hotel Management, the renowned French culinary school has just launched two other important publications in October. “Chocolat” (English version: Chocolate) is a bible of chocolate making and “Le dictionnaire des chefs” (The FERNANDI Paris chef’s dictionary) an encyclopedia of French gastronomy.
“Chocolat” is published in both French and English versions today. The book contains 304 pages and is divided into two sections: skills and recipes. Starting from the fundamentals of chocolate, it illustrates 40 essential techniques with more than 200 step-by-step photos of making chocolate creams, doughs, bonbons, and decorations. More than 70 recipes such as chocolate bars, flan, millefeuille, eclair, cookies, brownie, etc. are included. They are classified into 3 levels from simple to sophisticated and indispensable so that the readers can choose according to their own needs. The Kindle version is also available so that those who’re interested (and impatient) don’t even need to wait for shipping.
“Le dictionnaire des chefs” is the one that I’m really interested in. In collaboration with Ferrandi, Eric Glatre, the famous French historian and author of French gastronomy, is in charge of the writing and editing of this encyclopedia encompassing more than 8000 entries in 1,512 pages. It covers 1,680 terms of cuisine, 1,240 of pâtisserie, 1,009 terms of spices and condiments, 1,260 of meat, 720 of fish and seafood, 1,480 of fruits and vegetables, and 1,000 terms of food and wine pairings. Serving as an incredibly rich resource to explore the wonderful world of French gastronomy, this book is a great companion for chefs, culinary school students as well as those who’re interested and passionate about the concerned subject and its related professions.
Find the below links for the extracts and orders:
Extracts (French version): https://tinyurl.com/y62ehbf4
Amazon.fr product page: https://tinyurl.com/y46jjrce
Le dictionnaire des chefs:
Extracts (French version): https://tinyurl.com/yxwve798
Fnac.fr (exclusive to deliveries in France metropolitan areas): https://tinyurl.com/y3o72zey
Éditions BPI (exclusive to deliveries in France metropolitan areas):
🔖 You might also be interested
Book recommendation - Le Grand Cours de Cuisine FERRANDI, L’école française de gastronomie: https://tinyurl.com/yyjrleh2
Book recommendation - Pâtisserie: https://tinyurl.com/y3y7pknm
#yingsbookreviews #ferrandi #yingc
book covers for school 在 Sing And You-兒童唱歌課程/聲樂課程/Kids Singing Class/Vocal Lesson Facebook 的最佳貼文
#SleepingPeacefulMusic #DeepSleepMusic #Relaxing #SleepRelaxation
SingandYou 關心的不只是唱歌,SingandYou更關心音樂為大家帶來的益處。因此,譚校長帶領一眾SAY的老師與SAY的韓國創作團隊,齊齊創作出一首令大家放鬆的睡前音樂,讓大家一齊享受音樂帶來的好處。
版權copyright(s) :
☑本影片的音樂製作部分是由Sing and You的團隊創作和研製。
☑請尊重知識產權,如要引用本頻道的音樂或進行任何二次創作,請先Email或WhatsApp通知本校。(Email:info@singandyou.com ; WhatsApp : +852-9698-1248)
☑所有音樂封面為輔助圖像,部分音樂視頻圖像/背景是取由Creative Common(可商用),另一部分的版權則已被授權/已購買。所有版權最終利益歸於該攝影師和設計師所有,我們會把詳情列於每段音樂影片的Description Box。
SingandYou cares more than just singing, SingandYou also care about the benefits that music brings to everyone. Therefore, Dr. Steve led our SAY teachers and SAY Korean creation team to create a bedtime music that everyone can relax, and everyone can enjoy the benefits of music.
Everyday busy work and study, all kinds of locks in life, bring us endless troubles and fatigue. Although sleeping helps us to calm our mood and strength, but how can it be possible with a poor-quality sleeping?
SingandYou created “Sleeping Peacefully” for you to help you improve your sleep quality, so that you have a perfect night, rejuvenate your energy, and fight for tomorrow with a good mood.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
☑The music production part of this film was created and developed by the team of SingandYou Coaching Ltd.
☑Please respect the intellectual property rights. If you want to quote the music of this channel or make any secondary creation, please notify our school by email or WhatsApp. (Email:info@singandyou.com ; WhatsApp : +852-9698-1248)
☑All music covers are auxiliary images, some music video images/backgrounds are taken by Creative Common (commercially available), and the other part of the copyright has been authorized/purchased. The ultimate benefit of all copyrights is attributed to the photographer and designer, and we will list the details in the Description Box for each piece of music.
Studio Experience
Each of the students will be required to record a song in the studio so as to gain practical recording experience.
Program Fee
book covers for school 在 Rose Mun Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hello my marvelous Moon Pies ??✨ My name is Rose and welcome to my channel where I feature covers, originals, and vlogs. If you enjoy my content, please subscribe so we can grow into one big family! ?
Before anyone says anything, yes, this is an old video. However, the message I wanted to portray is still the same so I wanted to upload it now.
Here's the thing: When I was 18... I didn't know much about life. No one truly ever explained what life after high school was going to be like. They just expected you to know these things and never told you the outcome. The reason I wanted to make this video is so that my fellow young adults don't make the same mistakes that I did. I didn't mention it in the video but GO AFTER YOUR DREAMS! Don't let school and college ruin you. College is a great way to connect and socialize with people, but you can meet numerous friends along the way. Save your money because it will TRULY help you when the first three years of your 20's. Don't give your time away so easily to people just because you're bored or they're bored. Focus on yourself, I mean it. I don't mean study but hone in on your skill set and practice practice practice. Travel when you can but save at least an emergency fund of $1000-$2000. Don't have regrets.
If I were to go back in time, I would finish school just to say I did it. I wouldn't have taken out student loans. I wouldn't have moved out until I was 21. I'd put away 10% of every dollar I earned. I would have continued doing music and my YouTube back then. I just wish I spent more time on myself back then instead of trying so hard to grow up so quickly. I didn't get to enjoy my young years because I was so money hungry and quick to be an "adult". If you're 18, don't do what I did. I know you "hate" being at home and your parents are "annoying". But I grew up away from my parents. I wished I stayed with my relatives at least because it would have prevented me from screwing up at ages 19/20. I'd also save a ton of money from just living at home.
#lifelesson #whenIwas18 #advice
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book covers for school 在 MusicNeverSleeps Youtube 的最佳貼文
This track is available on iTunes! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-covers-vol.-6/id573643679
Been a huge fan of BoA since I was in middle school, really love the single off her album so decided to do an English version =P
Check out BoA's original version here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQjovLrnvVo
support me by getting my covers/originals on iTunes/GooglePlay!
iTunes: http://bit.ly/jasonchen
GooglePlay: http://bit.ly/JasonChenGooglePlay
Official Site:
Produced by Adien Lewis
My Links!
INSTAGRAM APP: @jasondchen
Book me for an event: jasonchenbooking(at)gmail(dot)com
If you want shoot videos, produce beats, do photography, or do graphic design for me, please email
miniachilles (at) gmail (dot) com
I love getting mail! send me some =)
PO Box 2113
Arcadia, CA 91077