Recently the virus has been spreading not only across Asia, but also around the world. And just like everyone else, I wasn't expecting such a huge impact at first. Now realizing how wrong I was, I've decided to speak up about the situation. One thing I'd like to make clear is that my intention with this song isn't to provide any kind of hope—as they've already existed everywhere—, but instead to try and make us reflect and re-evaluate ourselves, which may hopefully lead to the realization that any argument at this point is meaningless. Moreover, aside from this outbreak, there are plenty incidents of natural disasters happening lately as well. This song also serves as a reminder for us to not neglect these warnings so we could prevent the future crises. Finally, to all the medical staff involved in this battle, we must salute you as you are the real heroes and deserve our wholehearted respect!
詞曲 Written & Composed by Ak Benjamin
編曲 Produced by Ak Benjamin
混音 Mixed by Ak Benjamin
影像 Video Edited & Animated by Ak Benjamin
Sample by Terry Devine-King
Credits: BBC News, CNN News, 關鍵時刻, 疾管署記者會
數位平台已上架 Stream/Download "Coronavirus" Now:
(任何所得將會捐出。Any profits will be donated.)
In addition, I've been sharing a few donation links on my social media. I'll also put them down below and I strongly encourage you to donate as well!
For COVID-19:
紅十字會 Everywhere for Everyone Ⅱ: http://www.redcross.org.tw/home.jsp?p...
For bushfires in Australia:
Red Cross disaster Relief and Recovery: http://www.redcross.org.au/campaigns/...
Wild Koala Adoption: http://shop.koalahospital.org.au/coll...
Follow Ak Benjamin:
Instagram: @ak.benjamin
For business:
#AkBenjamin #Coronavirus #科羅納病毒 #MusicVideo #COVID19