... including theories which came to be known under the name of Sphoṭa; in this work Bhartrhari also discussed logical problems such as the liar paradox and ... ... <看更多>
... including theories which came to be known under the name of Sphoṭa; in this work Bhartrhari also discussed logical problems such as the liar paradox and ... ... <看更多>
#1. Sphoṭa
Sphoṭa is an important concept in the Indian grammatical tradition of Vyakarana, relating to the problem of speech production, how the mind orders ...
#2. Sphota, Sphoṭa, Sphoṭā: 21 definitions
Sphoṭa (स्फोट) refers to the “breaking of the skin”, a side-effect of the incorrect use of certain metals. It is used throughout Rasaśāstra ...
#3. The Sphoṭa Theory in the Indic Philosophy: the Ancient ...
The sphoṭa is the “causal root, the intention, behind an utterance”, in which sense is similar to the notion of lemma in most psycho-linguistic theories of ...
#4. (PDF) The Sphoṭa Theory in the Indic Philosophy
The mystic, whimsical doctrine of the articulation of sounds (Sphoṭa) and the meanings they respectively convey has been revisited and ...
#5. Sphoṭa
In Hindu understanding, the capacity of meaning to burst forth (as from a lanced boil) from the sound (śabda) of words, because all sound has the potential to ...
#6. Sphoṭa
Sphoṭa (Skt., 'a boil'). In Hindu understanding, the capacity of meaning to burst forth (as from a lanced boil) from the sound (śabda) of words, ...
#7. Bhartṛhari's view of language: is sphoṭa a mystic entity?
A single indivisible meaningful unit in language is called sphoṭa by grammarians. The unity of sphoṭa is clearly felt over and above the phonemes.
#8. Language, Indian theories of
... on these systems in developing his theory of the sphoṭa, a linguistic entity distinct from a word's sounds that Bhartṛhari takes to convey its meaning.
Vedic Samhităs. May be for that purpose, one of the branches of Indian philosophy for the past two thousand years, is engaged in discussing Šabda.
#10. A Semantic Investigation based on the Sphoṭa Theory
The theory of Sphoṭa that was enhanced by Bhartruhari in Vākyapadīya can be identified as the ideal oriental linguistic theory which elaborates the process ...
#11. Why the shutting down of the meaning? Sphoṭa and ...
Sphoṭa and Śabda in the Yogaśāstra of Patañjali. 12 March 2020. Lecture, organised by the Friends of the Kern Institute, by IIAS-Gonda fellow Rocco Cestola ...
#12. A Study in the Dialectical of Sphoṭa
Gaurinatha Sastri, in this book, deals with the idea of sphoṭa as one finds in the Grammarian Tradition in classical Indian philosophy.
#13. The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Indian Philosophy ...
Akane Saito This contribution traces the history of the concept of sphoṭa, which I will leave untranslated. Oversimplifying, this Sanskrit word serves the ...
#14. The revival of Sphoṭa in early modern Benares
The sphoṭa doctrine is the richest contribution of the grammarians to the philosophy of language, but its semantic significance was not ...
#15. Sanskrit Dictionary
Select your preferred input and type any Sanskrit or English word. Enclose the word in “” for an EXACT match e.g. “yoga”. Grammar Search, "sphoṭa" has ...
#16. Johannes Bronkhorst, Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita on sphoṭa
Ramasubramanian - 2009 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 37 (4):331-347. Vākyapadīya: Sphoṭa, Jāti and Dravya.Sharda Narayanan - 2012 - D.K. Printworld.
#17. History and Transmission of the Nyāyamañjarī: Critical ...
History and Transmission of the Nyāyamañjarī: Critical Edition of the Section on the Sphoṭa.: 870 : Graheli, Alessandro: Amazon.com.be: Books.
#18. Paper: Paśyantī, Pratibhā, Sphoṭa and Jāti - IOM RAS
Paśyantī, Pratibhā, Sphoṭa and Jāti: Ontology and Epistemology in the Vākyapadīya // Journal of Indian Philosophy. 2016, Volume 44, Issue 2. P.
#19. 雨人– Musik und Lyrics von 恕樂團Solemn
Repentances Sin Eradication Dharani "Oṃ sarva pāpa vi-sphoṭa dahana vajrāya svāhā"Dharma · 罪刑恕樂團Solemn · Namo Amitabha "Namo Amitābha"Dharma.
#20. "The theory of sphoṭa is associated with Bhartṛhari (c. 5th ...
Sphoṭa (Sanskrit: स्फोट, ... "spurt") is an important concept in the Indian grammatical tradition of Vyakarana, relating to the problem ...
#21. Sphota
Sphota, Sphoṭa, Sphoṭā: 15 definitions. Introduction. Introduction; In Hinduism. Vyakarana; Rasashastra; General definition. Languages. Marathi ...
#22. sphoṭa in "Dizionario di filosofia"
Termine sanscr. («manifestazione») che indica il veicolo del significato nella teoria di Bhartr̥hari (➔) e di altri grammatici. La teoria dello s. è uno dei ...
#23. Sphoṭa
IAST|Sphoṭa (literally bursting, opening ) is an important concept in Sanskrit philosophy of language, relating to the problem of speech production, ...
#24. Descriptive Type 5 Marks 10 15 Lines 1 Explain The ...
Explain the Sphoṭa theory.2.Explain the Apoha theory.3.State whether the following strings are sentences?-'Very easy!'(There is no verb in this sentence.
#25. The Theory of Perception in Maṇḍanamiśra's Sphoṭasiddhi
Unlike the sphoṭa theories of Patañjali or the pre-modern grammarians, Bhartṛhari's theory can hardly be discussed without taking into account ...
#26. Internalization of Speech: Pronunciation and Perception of the ...
He differentiates the perspective of the speaker and the hearer, and explains the movement of sounds. The sphoṭa theory addresses both how to pronounce the word ...
#27. Sphoṭa ~ Random Theatre - dykiegirl
Sphoṭa ~ Random Theatre. Sphota. I really love this concept and made a theatre work around this idea. Seemingly naturally, I called it ...
#28. A Study in the Dialectics of Sphoṭa
A Study in the Dialectics of Sphoṭa. By Gaurinath Bhattacharyya Shastri. About this book · Get Textbooks on Google Play. Rent and save from the world's ...
#29. Tag Archives: sphoṭa
Tag Archives: sphoṭa. Kumārila on sentence meaning. Posted on 13 May 2014 by elisa freschi — 3 Comments ↓. Who are the opponents in Kumārila's ...
#30. La démonstration du sphoṭa
La démonstration du sphoṭa. Front Cover. Institut Français d'Indologie, 1958 - Hinduism - 111 pages. 0 Reviews. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks ...
#31. A Study in the Dialectics of Sphoṭa
A Study in the Dialectics of Sphoṭa. Front Cover. Gaurinath Bhattacharyya Shastri. Motilal Banarsidass, 1980 - Dialectic - 105 pages.
#32. Vākyapadīya: Sphoṭa, Jāti and Dravya - Sharda Narayanan
Title, Vākyapadīya: Sphoṭa, Jāti and Dravya. Author, Sharda Narayanan. Publisher, D.K. Printworld, 2012. ISBN, 8124606099, 9788124606094. Length, 281 pages.
#33. A Study in the Dialectics of Sphoṭa
Preface, Abbreviations, PART ONE: Introduction, Historical Overview, Abhidharma Developments, Epistemology, Logic and Language, PART TWO: Summaries of Works ...
#34. Towards a Critical Edition of the Nyāyamañjarī
Alessandro Graheli, History and Transmission of the Nyāyamañjarī. Critical Edition of the Section on the Sphoṭa, Vienna, Verlag der Österreichischen ...
#35. A study in the dialectics of sphoṭa - OCHS Library catalog
A study in the dialectics of sphoṭa /. by Shastri, Gaurinath Bhattacharyya. Edition statement:Revised ed Published by : Motilal Banarsidass, ...
#36. Bhartri Hari and The Theory of Sphota | PDF | Word
2 According to Bhartrihari Sphoṭa operates withi n univers al sounds whereas dhvani within a particular sound. Th e opposi tion between sphoṭa a nd dhva ni ...
#37. Bhartrihari and the Theory of Sphota
Sphoṭa is not uttered but it is perceived by the hearer. To make the distinction clearer Bhartrihari introduces two types of dhvani: prākṛta-dhvani, natural ...
#38. History and Transmission of the Nyāyamañjarī: Critical ...
History and Transmission of the Nyāyamañjarī: Critical Edition of the Section on the Sphoṭa. (Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Klasse, ...
#39. Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary
स्फोट [ sphoṭa ] [ sphoṭa ] m. bursting , opening , expansion , disclosure ( cf. [ narma-sph ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. extension ...
#40. Sphoṭa | Free Speech Wiki | Fandom
Sphoṭa. Edit. Template:IAST (literally "bursting, opening") is a Sanskrit term, as used by Sanskrit grammarians denoting the "internal and imperceptible ...
#41. The argumentative value of āgamical quotations in the ...
sphoṭa -theory, based on āgamical quotations, especially RV X, 71, 4 (stance where the poet describes his own activity as perceiving the essence of Speech ...
#42. پھوڑا
UrduEdit. EtymologyEdit · Inherited from Sauraseni Prakrit 𑀨𑁄𑀟 (phoḍa), from Sanskrit स्फोट (sphoṭa). Cognate with Punjabi ਫੋੜਾ (phoṛā) / پھوڑا ...
#43. Innovation in Seventeenth Century Grammatical Philosophy
Their most important innovation is the reinterpretation of the sphoṭa. For reasons linked to new developments in sentence interpretation ...
#44. Laghu-tattva-sphoṭa - Amr̥tacandra
Laghu-tattva-sphoṭa ... Verse treatise on meditation and yoga in Jainism. What people are saying - Write a review.
#45. Category Archives: h. The Sphoṭa Theory of Language
Sphota also illustrates that words (sabda) and sentences are important in conserving the Vedas (Beck 64). The sphota theory “refers to the ...
#46. Some remarks on laghu-tattva-sphota XXI.9-24 | Hybris
Abstract. The article is aimed at analysis of 9–24 stanzas of XXI chapter of philosophical poem Laghu-tattva-sphoṭa, i.e. A Light Bursting of ...
#47. Bo Chan Fan Chang Miao Yin Zu 消灾吉祥神咒- 般禅梵唱妙音组
... tiṣṭha-tiṣṭha ṣṭiri-ṣṭiri sphoṭa sphoṭa, śāntika śriye svāhā ( http://www.dharmawheel.net/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=235 ) 曩谟三满哆。
#48. Sphoṭa Siddhi (La démonstration du ...
Maṇḍana Miśra is solely interested in the sphoṭa of the word. This Sanskrit philosophical text belongs to the Mīmāṃsā system. Keywords. Mīmāṃsā, language, ...
#49. A Study in the Dialectics of Sphoṭa - 第 72 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... denotation and the exponents of akhaṇḍa - vākya - sphoṭa believe that it ... we do not appreciate their conception of pada - sphoṭa and vākya - sphoṭa ...
#50. The Sphoṭa theory of language: a philosophical analysis
PART 1: METAPHYSICAL BACKGROUND OF THE SPHOṬA THEORY. sphota1-4.htm. by Harold G. Coward, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Ltd. 1st ed ...
#51. Seminario delle arti dinamiche. Germogli
Sphoṭa e dhvani. Egidio Meazza. Riprendo in esame il rapporto tra sphoṭa e dhvani. Non ho molto da aggiungere a quanto detto, in modo ve-.
#52. Teoria sphoty a sugestywna moc języka poezji ...
ty (sphoṭa), rozwinięta przez Bhartrihariego (Bhartṛhari, V w.), wpłynęła na koncepcję emotywnej sugestii (rasa dhvani) – jednej z najważniejszych ...
#53. Prof. Ashok Aklujkar's talk on "Sphoṭa in Bhartṛhari's ...
"Misunderstandings of Sphoṭa in Bhartṛhari's Vākyapadīya". nks. --. N. K. Sundareswaran, Professor , Department of Sanskrit, University of Calicut,
#54. Handbook of Logical Thought in India - 第 583 頁 - Google 圖書結果
nonsuccessive Sphoṭa seems to be having succession due to its manifestation by the sound (nāda) (VP-1/48). Bhartṛahari has drawn our attention toward this ...
#55. 9059聖閻曼德迦威怒王大心真言法真言(卷0)
薩[喇斡]沙[答嚕嘛]納沙鴉。 སརྦ་ཤ་ཏྲུྃ་ན་ཤ་ཡ།. stambhaya/. [薩答][嘛㧞哈]鴉。 སྟམྦྷ་ཡ།. sphoṭa sphoṭa svāhā/. [薩婆]查[薩婆]查娑訶。 སྥོ་ཊ་སྥོ་ཊ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ།
#56. Three Thousand Realms in a Single Thought Moment 一 ...
6. Repentances Sin Eradication Dharani 懺悔滅罪真言"Oṃ Sarva Pāpa Vi-sphoṭa Dahana Vajrāya Svāhā", 03:57, Show lyrics.
#57. [South Asian Studies Volume 10 Issue 2 (2005.02)] The ...
[South Asian Studies Volume 10 Issue 2 (2005.02)] The Sphoṭa Theory. Author : Choi, Jong-Chan. 작성일 2018-08-09; 조회 ㅣ hit : 1,110 ...
#58. Dharma 達摩樂隊
Top canciones · Repentances Sin Eradication Dharani "Oṃ sarva pāpa vi-sphoṭa dahana vajrāya svāhā" · Three Thousand Realms in a Single Thought Moment · 2022.
#59. YOGA TTC - Bhartṛhari (Devanagari: भर्तृहरि
... including theories which came to be known under the name of Sphoṭa; in this work Bhartrhari also discussed logical problems such as the liar paradox and ...
#60. Chapter-III Śabdabrahman interpreted by Bhartṛhari In this ...
Bhartṛhari used the term sphoṭa to indicate the meaning; and dhvani to refer to the uttered and heard sound. Bhartṛhari maintained a difference between sphoṭa ...
Bhartṛhari‟s sphoṭa theory of language is characterized as a cognitive holism and language in his philosophy is taken as inner,.
#62. Philosophy of The World of The Words
Sphoṭa, and its meaning revealed by it, are intelligible beings to which our cognition, communication and philosophical reflections are not only based on ...
#63. Bhartṛhari Facts for Kids
Vākyapadīya. Main page: Sphoṭa. Bhartrihari's views on language build on that of earlier grammarians such as Patanjali, but were quite radical. A key ...
#64. Jayanta | elisa freschi
A debate on sphoṭa ... I am editing a portion of the Seśvaramīmāṃsā on a linguistic controversy about what is the vehicle of meaning. As often the case in Indian ...
#65. The Sphoța theory: For and Against
The concept sphoṭa was not originally offered by Bhartrhari. He used it as the fundamental concept for the study of language.
#66. Ashok Aklujkar: Misunderstandings of Sphoṭa in Bhartṛharis ...
Ashok Aklujkar: Misunderstandings of Sphoṭa in Bhartṛharis Vākyapadīya. shivadrsti. 立即播放. 打开App,看更多精彩视频. 100+个相关视频.
#67. How To Pronounce Sphoṭa
Listen to the pronunciation of Sphoṭa and learn how to pronounce Sphoṭa correctly. Start Free Trial. Italian Pronunciation. English (India) Pronunciation.
#68. The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Indian Philosophy of ...
Brough (1951, 29, 32,30–33) pointed out that sphoṭa has been wrongly taken as a mystic entity in the early scholarly works.35 Already in premodern times, ...
#69. 1 - Search Results | Library Hub - Jisc
History and transmission of the Nyāyamañjarī : critical edition of the section on the Sphoṭa / Alessandro Graheli. Author. Graheli, Alessandro,.
#70. Sphoa - Sphoṭa - ВикибриФ - WikiBrief
Sphoa - Sphoṭa. Как разум упорядочивает языковые единицы в связный дискурс и значение. Sphoa (Санскрит : स्फोट, IPA: ; «разрыв, открытие», ...
#71. Beyond Saussure and Derrida: Bhartrhari's Holistic view of ...
Hence the sphoṭa theory of language was not 'logocentric' in any damning sense. As I have said, both sonic and graphic symbols can be the ...
#72. The Nirukta. Its place in Old Indian Literature ...
- Theory of Sphoṭa. By the same author. Calcutta University Press, 1926. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 March 2011.
#73. 十小咒02 消災吉祥神咒 - 別搗蛋- 痞客邦
stire stire sphoṭa sphoṭa śantika śrīye svāhā. [普明居士] namaḥ samanta buddhānāṃ apratihata śāsanānāṃ tadyathā
#74. Sphota Theory of Language pdf
Sphoṭa theory remained widely influential in Indian philosophy of language and was the focus of much debate over several centuries. Theory OF Computation BY ...
#75. understood holistically | English examples in context
Words are abstractions from sentences, and a sentence is understood holistically "in a flash" (sphoṭa; Bhartṛhari's theory is called sphoṭa-vāda).
#76. Bhartṛhari's Approach to the Indivisi
The Sanskrit grammarians after Bhartṛhari reintroduced this definition as the jāti-sphoṭa. 5. Eka-anavayava-śabda (unified expression devoid of ...
#77. Sphoṭa – Wikipedia – Enzyklopädie
Wie der Verstand sprachliche Einheiten in kohärenten Diskurs und Bedeutung ordnet Sphoṭa (Sanskrit: स्फोट, IPA: [ˈspʰoːʈɐ]; bursting, ...
#78. Spontaneous Gratitude
From Sanskrit, it's called sphoṭa, and it means "a bursting forth" of "true sounds." This is the intangible, unexpressed part of ...
#79. Towards a Critical Edition of the Nyāyamañjarī
tasmād anityānāṁ varṇānām eva vācakatvaṁ pratiṣṭhāpanīyaṁ parākaraṇīyaś ca sphoṭa iti tad ucyate | gakārādivarṇāvagame … Page 10. 410. Kei Kataoka philological ...
#80. 까운다 밧따의 스포따론
The Sphoṭa Theory of Kauṇḍa Bhaṭṭa - sphoṭa;sentence-sphoṭa;indivisibility;universal;individual;Kauṇḍa Bhaṭṭa.
#81. Vācaspati Miśra - Ruzsa - Major Reference Works
... on the holistic sphoṭa theory of meaning), and his commentaries on Nyāya, Sāṃkhya, and Yoga are all considered authoritative in these ...
Bhartṛhari's Theory of Sphoṭa. 276. VI.2. Patañjali's Theory of Sphoṭa. 277. VI.3. The View of the Logicians. 279. VI.4. The View of the Vedic Hermeneutics.
#83. KV Ramakrishnamacharyulu 1
It also contains an extensive discussion of the philosophical concept of sphoṭa, one of the most fundamental notions introduced by the Pāṇinian tradition to ...
#84. filosofia limbajului la vechii indieni pe teme şi „autori”
The present introductory lines throw also some light on how Indian grammarianphilosophersapproached semiotics key-concepts such as significant (sphoṭa ) ...
#85. La démonstration du sphoṭa / par Maṇḍana Miśra ; ...
La démonstration du sphoṭa / par Maṇḍana Miśra ; Introduction, traduction et commentaire par Madeleine Biardeau ; [Texte Sanskrit établi par N. R. Bhatt avec la ...
#86. Patten Exclusive Mix
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphoṭa#V.C4.81kyapad.C4.ABya. TRACKLIST 1. ALAK - Doc's new super Leo 2. The Focus Group - The New Activity
#87. ŚB 10.85.9
नादो वर्णस्त्वम् ॐकार आकृतीनां पृथक्कृति: ॥ ९ ॥ Text. diśāṁ tvam avakāśo 'si diśaḥ khaṁ sphoṭa āśrayaḥ nādo varṇas tvam ...
#88. Mantra: Oṁ: Word and Wisdom | Vivekananda
This eternal Sphoṭa, the essential eternal material of all ideas or names, is the power through which the Lord creates the universe; nay, the Lord first becomes ...
#89. History and Transmission of the Nyāyamañjarī
副标题: Critical Edition of the Section on the Sphoṭa 出版年: 2016-1-13 页数: 318 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9783700177463. 豆瓣评分. 目前无人评价.
#90. 印度學佛敎學硏究61 巻3 号(通号: 130)
山田智輝 著 印度學佛敎學硏究 1‑7(L) 詳細 笠松直 著 印度學佛敎學硏究 8‑14(L) 詳細 天野恭子 著 印度學佛敎學硏究 15‑19(L) 詳細 小林久泰 著 印度學佛敎學硏究 20‑26(L) 詳細
#91. Sphoṭavāda - Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia
Sphoṭa is different from the individual letters of the word which die or disappear as soon as they are uttered. Only after the last letter is uttered, ...
#92. Rohana Seneviratne
Manuscript. University of Oxford. http://users. ox. ac. uk/~ pemb3753/media …, 2014. 3, 2014. The revival of Sphoṭa in early modern Benares: Śeṣakṛṣṇa's ...
#93. Śabda in the ancient Indian grammarians' doctrines - CEJSH
śabda; grammarians; sphoṭa; Indian philosophy. Publisher. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie, Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii. Journal.
#94. Briefly explain Sphota Theory.
Sphoṭa (Devanagari स्फोट, the Sanskrit for "bursting, opening", "spurt") is an important concept in the Indian grammatical tradition of ...
sphoṭa 在 Bo Chan Fan Chang Miao Yin Zu 消灾吉祥神咒- 般禅梵唱妙音组 的推薦與評價
... tiṣṭha-tiṣṭha ṣṭiri-ṣṭiri sphoṭa sphoṭa, śāntika śriye svāhā ( http://www.dharmawheel.net/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=235 ) 曩谟三满哆。 ... <看更多>