好記得第一次聽哩首歌嘅demo version時,我腦海裏面岀現咗「派對」、「開心」兩個term。同時間有另外一隻demo都好有party feel,但始終都係畀哩一隻句”Uh-oh Uh-oh Uh-oh”吸引咗,所以最後就揀咗哩首。
首先要感謝 Wyman @concertyy 參與今次填詞🙏🏻一直好期待哩一份詞!同Wyman傾過幾次哩首歌嘅架構同主題,好感激Wyman你對我嘅耐性同「心軟」,可以keep返「Uh-oh Uh-oh Uh-oh」、「Boom Boom Boom」、「Bang Bang Bang」幾句歌詞。(問你可唔可以keep哩幾句嗰陣其實好心虛😆因為覺得原因係「想排舞排得有趣啲」好似有啲過份😅)感謝你遷就我而創作左哩一個關於人與人之間嘅衝突同溝通嘅主題。每次我對份歌詞有疑惑,你都好有耐性同我逐一拆解。好享受每次同你嘅溝通🙏🏻多謝你!
感謝Edward @edwardmusicproduction 同背後團隊好多晚嘅努力。今次Edward喺幾個session之中幫我搵咗好多次屬於哩首歌嘅聲線。雖然錄音嘅時候未開始排舞,但Edward不停叫我想像我喺演唱會表演哩首歌會用咩感覺,我腦海想像嘅係「玩味重」、「自信」同「隨性」。每一首跳唱歌都會同Edward back and forth一齊討論mixing,今次都唔例外,感激Edward你嘅耐性同心機,每次錄音有你都格外安心🙏🏻
之前同大家分享過,哩首歌遇到嘅挫折同煩惱都唔少,我曾經因為哩首歌而感受到「壓力爆煲」四字嘅真正感受😆 原因就唔多講啦,但所以更加要好好同導演阿水 @waterchan10 同Alan @kubricklo 講聲多謝你地🙏🏻 辛苦你地要喺幾日之內準備好場地、攝影團隊、道具、Dancer服裝等等。感謝你地對Vintage theme嘅Art Direction堅持,先有依家大家睇到咁靚嘅畫面。 @eyeeyestudio
然後要多謝花姐 @ahfa0908 幫手一齊諗storyline。記得有一晚喺車,我突然諗起平時去開嘅油站,我就話:「不如我哋去油站拍啦!」而今次想同之前嘅跳唱作品唔同,所以整個storyline就從一個戇直而大頭蝦嘅油站見習生角度岀發,延伸成個故事。MV裡面每一個情節都係我地亂打亂撞、亂講出嚟,但又要同「碰撞、衝突之下可能有新結果」有關,所以都諗到好頭痕。點知講講吓,越講越大,好多位又好似幾通😆💪🏻就confirm咗成個plot~ 但最繁複嘅步驟就係要逐句逐句度好每一句歌詞嘅shot係拍緊咩,確保有足夠秒數去表達劇情,淨係咁都度咗幾個鐘🤣 辛苦團隊一齊坐咗幾個鐘去confirm成件事🙏🏻
今次《Megahit》主要想表達無論情侶、家人、朋友、同事都好,人與人之間可能會有好多溝通上嘅衝突,但即使雙方嘅性格同價值觀唔一樣,唔溝通過又點知work唔work?可能會有驚喜嘅結果~ 而今次MV想表達三個唔同嘅衝突之下衍生出驚喜嘅結果:
二、油站見習生唔小心撞到Vip Joyce嘅手而被佢鬧,油站見習生驚慌錯手開啟洗車掣繼而推Joyce上車,從而避過雜物跌落嚟嘅一劫。
這個MV還有很多有趣的細節,例如每個人物角色在每個事件發生前後的表情變化、巨星被識穿後的反應意思和道具服裝details。感激 @tinyeyes39 @princejoyce @deegor_hkwa @laiyingdesu @rockinair @beeplok 的幫忙和傾力演出🙏🏻 邀請到你哋係我嘅榮幸🙏🏻
辛苦Rock Sir @rockinair 同Dancer朋友們造就哩一隻舞。好記得一開始我同Rock Sir講話好想《Megahit》有一個signature手勢畀大家跟住一齊跳。好希望下一次現場表演時可以同大家一齊唱一齊跳「Uh-oh Uh-oh Uh-oh」🤌🏻
Dance version即將推岀啦~
睇住Official MV先😆
希望大家喜歡 #Megahit 🤌🏻♥️
同時也有55部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6,940的網紅F Records,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Follow: Young Hysan https://instagram.com/younghysan Dough-Boy https://instagram.com/doughboybeatsyou Big Spoon https://instagram.com/nicholascheung F...
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Because you can't sell cars that have a 1 in 150 chance of randomly going boom.
boom boom back 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文
今天, 應該是最炫最酷的一家公司, Robinhood, 上市的一天. 它獲利了嗎? 我想沒有多少投資人會care. 最關心的, 應該是它的營收成長率, 還有股價.
在我們一直追逐科技成長股, 被他們的高營收成長率, 潛在的高報酬昏眩的時候, 會不會忘記他們醜得要命的財務報表?
而在今年, 大家追逐的這些趨勢股表現不佳的時候, 是不是也給了我們一些省思?
其實美股中, 還有很多財務報表漂亮, 但聽起來一點也不有趣(甚至很無聊)的公司, 但他們股價穩定, 長期下來, 也給了投資人很大的回報. 像之前介紹過的POOL, 過去幾年也是平均一年翻一倍的漲幅.
而在IPO中, 也有這類的好公司.
Carrier Global(CARR), 2020年4月上市的IPO, 算是工業類股, 漲了快5倍. 有在獲利. (開利冷氣應該有聽過?就是這家公司)
Academy Sports and Outdoors (ASO), 民生消費股, 也有獲利, 2020年10月上市的IPO, 目前也漲了3倍.
下面這篇文章挺好. 與大家分享. 就像文章作者所提的, 龜兔賽跑, 穩(漲)的烏龜, 不一定會輸.
也祝福大家找到&培養自己的能力圈, 穩穩獲利.
Jim Cramer: The Biggest Thing That Happened Thursday Was the Boring Stuff
No, it wasn't Robinhood or the mega-cap tech companies, it was names we depend on like Carrier Global.
By JIM CRAMER Jul 29, 2021 | 03:38 PM EDT
Stocks quotes in this article: HOOD, FB, PYPL, CARR, RTX, NUE, AGCO, ZM, ALGN, AAPL, EBAY, AMD, XLNX
One of the most glorious things I have seen involving the stock market in ages happened today.
Was it Vlad Tenev ringing the opening bell for his breakthrough, disruptive Robinhood (HOOD) , representing 22 million mostly young new investors? Was it the free-for-all decline in the stock of the "F" in FAANG, Facebook (FB) ? Or the clobbering that Paypal (PYPL) took after what looked to be a good quarter?
Nah. I was bumping into Dave Gitlin, CEO of Carrier Global (CARR) , and his charming daughter, a college student at the University of Wisconsin. They were calmly waiting for me to finish "Squawk on the Street" to say, "Hi," and I couldn't be more thrilled. Because unlike the much ballyhooed Robinhood deal, which seems like a bust, Carrier Global came public back in April 2020 at $12 and today, after tremendous earnings, not sales, but earnings, it made an all-time high at $53, after reporting a terrific number with tremendous HVAC sales, up 31%, and an earnings surprise of 55 cents vs. the 30 cents that Wall Street was expecting.
Carrier, which was spun off when United Technologies merged with Raytheon (RTX) had some tailwinds, like the need to have clean air inside, because of the pandemic and clear air outside because office buildings are responsible for 40% of carbon emissions. But the huge upside surprise and the gigantic buyback belonged to Dave and his team and I that's what I told his daughter. I made sure she knew how proud she should be about how this man made so much money for people. Twelve to 53 in 15 months time is the name of the game.
Look, I am not trying to take away from anything that Robinhood and its co-founder and CEO Vlad Tenev have created. Far from it. They have created billions for themselves and are now letting people participate in their great sales growth. You got a chance to pay a fortune per share and many Robinhoodies did, as tons of stock was allocated to the 22 million people who joined Robinhood, because of a bang up app that every young person seems to know.
I am simply saying that HVAC, yep heating, ventilation and air conditioning is one of the most boring businesses on earth and at times like today, with all of the hoopla of Robinhood it is easy to forget is how lots of money can be made being boring, and I like that. The most exciting thing that happened this year is Carrier helped provide refrigeration for vaccines. That's just fine with me.
Unlike Robinhood, Carrier hasn't brought anyone into the stock market. It's more laser-like focus on air conditioning once spun off from Raytheon means nothing to people. Just Wall Street gibberish. But you have probably walked by a Carrier machine thousands of times and never thought anything of it. Yet, you could have bought it for a song at six times earnings instead of 25 times sales.
The Carriers, with CEOs who pay themselves lavishly but perhaps not excessively, or the Nucor's (NUE) the steel company that's also well managed and sells at six times earnings, represent valuable properties, especially when the U.S. government is about to agree on a trillion dollar infrastructure bill and the country has more than 6% GDP. We don't know why they are re-opening trades or closing trades, delta-variant trades or building and bridge investments. Forgive me, though for comparing the company of Robinhood, with something that may stay special for a while vs. companies that get described as venerable, solid and built to last.
These companies are not rarities. You know people have to eat, right? You know that there would be famine without farming. So why not buy the stock of Agco (AGCO) , No. 2 farm equipment, which went from $40 to $130 in a year and a half without ever being expensive. Combines too boring? Again fine with me. Now that the masks are off -- or at least in some places, although Zoom (ZM) is still crushing it -- I, like many others, including my daughter, didn't like how her teeth looked even as, to me, they were perfect. Dentists tell you to get Align (ALGN) . I wanted them on "Mad Money" but the show was just too darned jammed. The stock's up the most in the S&P 500, with a product that, again, like the Purloined Letter, is right in front of you.
I love tech. Created the term FANG, added the "A" when it was clear that Apple (AAPL) had to take the acronymic stage between another "A" and an "N." I am proud that those who bet against me on Twitter, the legion, are betting against FAANG. I wrote obituaries for a goodly time in my career as a reporter but I never wrote as many as have been penned to talk about the group has already made the ultimate measure on behalf of shareholders.
Oh and it's not like I don't like tech or fin tech. I felt the slings and arrows of Facebook and PayPal today. Facebook's management once again lowered the boom on its future talking about real deceleration in growth. I thought it was too dire. PayPal's Dan Schulman talked about how the separation with its former partner, eBay (EBAY) gets done now and earnings will be hurt. This was one of the least revelatory surprises ever. I think both are practicing UPOD, Underpromising to Overdeliver, and, sure this time might be different, but it's sure been the way they have handled it in the past.
Far better to be in the straight out blow outs like Advance Micro (AMD) which had still one more banner day, this time because the company it is buying, the dowdy Xilinx (XLNX) , a sleepy semiconductor company, had tremendous earnings. The two together could be unassailable and even as AMD is now richly valued it is deservingly so.
I can't wait to hear Vlad Tenev's reflection on Robinhood's debut as a public company and about the novel offering that gave millions of shares to his clients. Vlad's not so much a rags to riches American story. He's a poor Bulgarian to insanely rich American because of his on ingenuity. That's a story with celebrating in itself.
I am simply pointing out that unlike Vlad, whom you would have had invested with when you weren't allowed or able to, Dave Gitlin sure didn't keep you out of the better bet, the stock of HVAC king Carrier.
You did.
boom boom back 在 F Records Youtube 的最佳貼文
Young Hysan https://instagram.com/younghysan
Dough-Boy https://instagram.com/doughboybeatsyou
Big Spoon https://instagram.com/nicholascheung
F Records https://instagram.com/frecordshk
Video director: Mart Sarmiento http://instagram.com/martsarmiento
Gaffer: Samson Jr Guzman https://www.instagram.com/samsonjrcdg/
Remix Songwriters: Big Spoon, Young Hysan, Dough-Boy
Original Songwriters(s): Charalambos Antoniou, Christopher Daniel Soriano (BMI), Mithoon (ASCAP)
Contains a Sample from the Song ‘Sanam Re’ by Artist: Mithoon featuring Arijit Singh; Music Composed, Arranged and Produced by Mithoon and Lyrics by Mithoon, Courtesy: T-Series.
Mixed & mastered by FreezLhy http://instagram.com/freezlhy
Original Song: https://WarnerMusicHongKong.lnk.to/CJWhooptyFR
Lyrics [& translations]:
Intro - Big Spoon
Shout out CJ, staten Island to九龍[Kowloon], y'all already know what time it is
Whoopty, yeah, Big Spoon, Young Hysan, Dough-Boy
Verse 1 - Big Spoon
Whoopty, I'm scraping the pot with a spoonie (Uh)
Ooh wee, I'm serving a bird to them foodies
Moving more white than the top of Mt. Fuji
Pushing a key just like Claude Debussy
Chop on my side watch it kick just like Bruce Lee
Linked up with Gareth and Hysan my juvies (Huh)
Pow pow, blick got you laying down like Pacquiao
Starting beef with us, we giving you mad cow
Hahahaha you mad now
I'm back on my牛屎,trap out of間酒店,熟客可以有九折
[I’m back on my bullsh*t, trap out of a hotel, loyal customers can get 10% off]
[Diamonds sitting on my bracelet, we are wilder than some monkeys, we are rich because of trapping]
Verse 2 - Young Hysan
Whoo! All of my diamonds like flu
Whoo! Coronavirus diamonds, sticky icky on my neck like it’s glue (Ah)
Shoot out the motherf*cking roof (Yeah)
Look like the new Illuminati with the mob, who the f*ck is your crew? (Uh)
B*tch we a family, not a group
We catch the opps, we fill they pants up with poop (Ah)
Whoopty, poopty, poop, poop, woo (Ah)
She suck on the d*ck, like she tryna play on the flute (Ah)
“Do Ba Do Be Do”, my hundreds keep singing “I’m Blue” (Ah)
I put my kids all in her mouth like that sh*t toothpaste
Blue cheese, blue diamonds, blue perks, yeah that’s a whole lotta blue things
Blew 22 thousand out the courtroom, hoe nah I can’t lose the case (Ha)
Say I ain’t put in the work, I put y’all on the newspage
Beat up the fentanyl, straight outta Chi-land, the powder go
Verse 3 - Dough-Boy
Got a mill in the bank, half in my crypto account
They told me to broaden my tank; euros and pesos and pounds
They asking me, "how do you do that - a hundred stacks in your shoe rack?"
Bet they can’t tell by the way that I look, got no idea where my goons at
Whoopty, living large like a movie
Boom boom boom; turning these dogs into p*ssies
Been on tour with these groupies, hitting 'em raw like sushi
Then give her that Louis, give her the Versace
Give her that Birkin, give her that Gucci
Been there, done that. Most of 'em ain’t got no comeback
This the part where I talk my sh*t, before they bring the drums back
All these snakes in this music sh*t, seen 'em since October
But you know that I’m Asian, b*tch; I eat these f*cking cobras, whoo!

boom boom back 在 ざわっち Youtube 的最佳解答
Prod.MInato noa
Welcome to the D-NOISE world
イカれたbeatにイカれた奴のイカれたバースをバースト Boom
Are you ready? onstage いつだってKeep it burning
Are you ready?already No pain No gain のgameをmaking
Welcome to the D-NOISE world
トんでるライムとトんでるフロウでぶっ飛ぶバースをバースト Boom
Are you ready? onstage いつだってKeep it burning
Are you ready?俺に任せとけよPlaying game
Ay 悩みとか闇とか病みとか忘れてぶちまけTurn up
しとけよここなら全てがShat down I don't give a fuck We don't give a fuck shit
Ay yo 勝手に増やして肥やしてく蟠り
過去今未来全てが交差 この物語はお前のもんだ
HEROでもありラスボスJOKER hell or heavenこれがborder
Ay ここから上げてくハードル
Ay 大丈夫よ身体は頑丈
yeah お前らに最高なもん運ぶよ
皆を楽しませたいそれだけこれが俺のBack born
これが一番の解決法 We are hungry beasts Let's get it on
ところでこの曲聴いてる皆に感謝を込めてBig up
Ay yo Styleならば常に最先端
どん底からでも這い上がれる 頂上で俺の旗揚げる
自分だけの武器見つけ出せ 俺なら鋭い刀がペン
Ay この曲を心臓に刺す Ay ヤバいの一生聴かす
Ay 死ぬまで凌ぎ合う これが最強で最高のD-NOISE world

boom boom back 在 EXILE NAOTO オネストTV Youtube 的最佳貼文
HONEST BOY「Take Me High」フルバージョンMVが完成しました。
O・Y 🔽
HONEST BOY「Take Me High」
Written by: Emyli, Lucas Valentine
Take me high
To the sky 無限大に
Take me high (take me high)
To the sky (to the sky)
Take me high (take me high)
To the sky (to the sky)
悴んだ心 染めてゆくのさ
Dance in the rain
Take me high (take me high)
To the sky (to the sky)
Take me high (take me high)
To the sky (to the sky)
無限大に(飛び立とう 今から)
(Yeah, uh huh, bring it back, letʼs get it!)
H-O-N-E-S-T B-O-Y, Oh, letʼs go!
H-O-N-E-S-T B-O-Y, Oh, letʼs go!
(Are you ready?)
Never give up, never give up
夢は Never give it up, never give it up
高鳴る鼓動に任せて さぁ もっと
Push it, push it, push it, push it
(BOOM! BOOM!) その炎
(BOOM! BOOM!) 消さないで
その本能に従え Cʼmon and say!
Oh (Oh)
Oh (Oh)
Hey girls!
Oh (Oh)
Oh (Oh)
Never give up, never give up
夢は Never give it up, never give it up
高鳴る鼓動に任せて さぁ もっと
Push it, push it, push it, push it
Never give up, never give up
夢は Never give it up, never give it up
高鳴る鼓動に任せて さぁ もっと
Push it, push it, push it, push it
Take me, take me higher, higher
Take me, take me higher, higher
Take me, take me higher, higher
Take me, take me higher, higher
Message to youngsters
▼EXILE NAOTO公式Instagram
▼STUDIO SEVEN公式Instagram
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LDH 所属アーティストの⽣放送番組やオリジナル番組など、
▼EXILE mobile(EXILE)
アーティストブログ、メンバーの活動に密着したPHOTO GALLERYも更新中!
<EXILE info>
EXILE NEW SINGLE『愛のために ~for love, for a child~』NOW ON SALE!
4/8(水) NEW SINGLE『Movin'on』NOW ON SALE!
8/3(月) 「starting over ~one world~」配信リリース中!
楽曲提供:Production Music by http://www.epidemicsound.com

boom boom back 在 The Boom Boom Room - Musician/band 的推薦與評價
The Boom Boom Room. 1568 likes · 4 talking about this. THE BOOM BOOM ROOM is not your average bar band. Music you know and love from the 70s to now played. ... <看更多>
boom boom back 在 BE:FIRST / Boom Boom Back -Dance Performance- - YouTube 的推薦與評價
2023/2/13 Release Digital Single BE:FIRST / Boom Boom Back https://BEFIRST.lnk.to/BoomBoomBack Boom Boom Back - Music Video ... ... <看更多>